Thursday, September 29, 2005
@ 7:28 PM
"as we move on, we remember, all the times we had together. and as our lives change, come wateva, we will still be, frens 4eva..." -Graduation Song by Vitamin Cwas juz looking thru the various songs i had, many that i havent listened to ages. i changed abt 1/4 of my mp3 songs... all the memories yet again flood back... "Absolutely Everybody" reminds me of KKMC, Graduation Song of my last day in P6... its like a big chunk of memory stored in a 4mb mp3 file. a big chunk of memory, onli that its filled with emotions and feelings... reminders of how much i've changed, how much everyone's changed... i remember SDP Ferrari... i remember East Coast park 6A outing, i remember the recesses i always had with Andre and/or Leonard. I remember those times i was a fat nerdy boy, the times i spent every weekend with xinmiao, xintian and zhe yuan at zhe yuan's hse... the times we had such great fun playing simple games, having simple dinners... those feelings of joy, the warmth of family and frens, the days i had at clarke quay and diamaru liang court. the days i lived in bishan, the times i blindly tried to jio a ger, the times when all tt mattered to me was my academics... the days...
how so much has changed... no longer are my best friends still my best frens... i onli keep in contact with a few of them. i no longer tuck in my shirt, no longer fat, no longer live in bishan, no longer spend weekends with all my couzzies, no longer have SDP, no more family-oriented clarke quay, no longer think of academics as one of my very top priorities (not veh good)... we've gone our seperate ways, met new ppl, met new environments, met new priorities, met new duties... gone are the days, gone are the days... should i be happy or sad??? life isnt a road. its juz this vast emptiness in front of u. you can change the direction of the path u wanna take anytime, anywhere. the onli place u cant turn is back... no turning back... will i be typing the same post a few years later, looking back at the times i'm having now? relishing it? laughing and crying over wat i'm doing now? je ne sais pas... la vie est court... l'apprécient quand vous toujours bidon... haha omg, i'm getting all emotional again...
ahh! i finally understand y i love nights so much... when i was young, all my memorable outings with zhe yuan, to clarke quay, to my fav places were all at nite, or returning at nite... i guess childhood can realli define how a person becomes? no matter how much i've changed, there's this part of me i'll never ever lose... =P
309jours! ((((((=
he left a mark
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
paradise... @ 11:29 PM
its funny how old, seemingly forgotten memories can juz flood back to u in an instant. i remember composing a song 1 or 2mths back. then i totally forgot e tune, and came up with a new one. juz now, the melody of my original idea juz came back! its juz a miracle. Get me my Creative Prodikeys! i wanna start recording my own songs! =D Of course, there's the usual bedtime fantasies. (dun think in a warped fashion). i mean, like suddenly i'll picture myself somewhere around the Fullerton area, driving a BMW M6 Convertible or stg similiar with that ger beside me (perhaps still wrapped in shadows... je ne sais pas encore), some beautiful easy listening/instrumental chill out music on, juz enjoying the warm yellow lightings of the area, the cool breeze, the metropolitan serenity... you'll juz sway into the mood... park the car somewhere facing e sea, get a few bits of chocolates and juz enjoy the warmth and romance...
or perhaps something like the cool mountainside feeling. when you wake up, open e windows, there'd be a beautiful scenery of mountains, lakes and lush greenery surrounding you. walk to e kitchen and make yourself a delicious American breakfast, perhaps some toast, bacon, eggs and sausages. yumm! definately, cook an extra portion for your dear. =P walk out to the lush garden with occasional flowers here and there. it'll give u so much inspiration to let your artistic creativity pour outta ya. i can juz get into my bagpiping mood easily. and the music of the bagpipe suits e mountainside! the drones, the loud, wide sound of e pipes. ahhh... or play a easy listening piano piece, kevin kern like. or maybe make a little attempt to sketch the surroundings. lie on the floor, enjoy the beauty of nature. den when you feel like it, change out and take a swim in the lake. cool clear water. listen to the ripples of the water. such a therapeautic effect...
the latter cant be found in singapore.... i had a taste of it in Victoria state, at the Halls Gap Inn facing the fold mountains. but i believe Europe'd have this best. somewhere out in e Scandanavian countries, or Italy, or France. I realli wanna go there and explore, away from all the daily routines, away from the responsibilites. jus go out there and discover that part of you. that part suppressed by all the daily monotonous routines. i wanna go out there, with you, to enjoy this part of life that we deem as paradise... to find it, to embrace it, to indulge in it... i wanna...
writing this post realli made me feel good... its juz perhaps, a more accurate description of how i feel, wat i love, wat i desire... feels good to be able to express it out nicely... ahh... feels so good! esp when i'm writing this in my study room, with my dimmer yellow light on, stimulating the scenery. the house's quiet, giving me totally serenity to write this post... sometimes, maybe life aint kewl after all. life's full of warmth, full of love, full of beauty. if u go out to seek for it. i dun feel high now, but a sense of calmness and total relaxation inside me. something i havent realli felt for quite some time. maybe its due to e late nights mugging or such, rendering me unable to have some time for calmness to let my emotions and imagination run free and wild... ahh... paradise... je t'aime! ((((((((=
he left a mark
@ 6:09 PM
haish... tired... mus push... mus mug... mus nt give up to a failure... mus chiong... mus concentrate... ARGH!!!!! my fault... my fault... SCREW RAFFLES PROGRAM!!!! DAS. U WATCH OUT. U JUZ WATCH OUT...
he left a mark
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
@ 4:57 PM

art is an arena of life i guess i reali realli love. it realli enables me to put forth a part of me i'm never able to reveal using language. well, i cant realli draw well, since i stopped my passion for it in pri 1, but definately, music. i'm not toking e likes of R&B or hard metal, but the new age, instrumental, soul kind. i realli enjoy playing, composing (not tt i can do it much), and juz enjoying music. the bagpipe and the piano. two excellent sources for expression. the former brining about the gusto of the mountainside, the peacueful, serene, vast countryside i'd love to wake up to from my little cottage with a garden. the latter, an orchestra all by itself. loud, soft, happy, sad, grandeur, a lil night music... its music for all occasions. yupp, tt was wat drove me to sign up as a band major. my love and passion for this arena of art that i'm able, and love to express. to try and get ppl spirited, to unite, to relax, to enjoy. look into the picture . think of some piece of music that comes into ur mind immediately with this piece of music. it may not be the same as that that comes into my mind, but definately, we share the same thought. the same feeling. drawings + music = universal language. beautiful... beautiful...
he left a mark
Monday, September 26, 2005
@ 9:33 PM
food for thought: the more different u try to be, the more similiar u become - Joseph Wong. also, i think that we live in a world of hope. hope is wat keeps us going... may it be false, self-denial or wat, its a great psychological boost, so let's keep our hopes up guys! juz nt to e pt of getting too overwhelmed by it tt it becomes fact to ya... =D
he left a mark
Sunday, September 25, 2005
@ 10:12 PM
my tagboard is alive. ITS ALIVE!!! xD but i've got no time to blog. tho got loads to blog abt. nvm. till then! pardon! i'll blog some time... not now... =P MCLAREN MUST WIN THE BRALIZIAN GRAND PRIX 1-2!!!! ALL HAIL MCLAREN! ALL HAIL BAGPIPES! ALL HAIL... ALL HAIL... Ahhh... all hail God Almighty! (=
313 days to go! 312 days in 2hrs time. ((((((((=
he left a mark
@ 12:44 AM
he left a mark
Friday, September 23, 2005
@ 9:48 PM

(up) standing beside e founder of my school and home country! he abidde tall leh... xD
down) my zu zong! i think i sit like them sometimes... xD

(up) the 2 bdae peeps! thnx ex-cons! (i'm not horny. that's sheila's fingers. sheila, i demand the pic with me planting e "happy bdae" sign on ur head! >.<)
(VOILA) FULLERTON!!!! YAYYY!!! à 315 jours! ((((((=

HUA! HU JIE HUA! if i'm not mistaken, its dendrobium... er... nvm. its hu ji hua, geddit? xD
haha! tt was fun... i think... iz like after a real bad week... 1 whole week of 2 doses of medicine with drowzy effects every morning and nite. + long nites + piles of homework = bad numb throbbing headache + moodiness.... sorry guys... i know i'm kinda snappy this week... i so thank mr. sinus... *BISH* so so so tired... *yawns*...
he left a mark
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
@ 10:51 PM

Me at McKenzie Falls! Geoff took this photo for me. =D
<3 Melbourne!
he left a mark
Monday, September 19, 2005
@ 8:12 PM
haish... i've juz used up both my strawberry body wash and facial wash... all the sweetness... all gone... all gone... juz like the good ole days of BB which i used to enjoy... the fun? the childishness? the times where i din have to care much abt how i behaved, how i used to behave, how i have to behave, how to care for others? maturity? now... its different manz, its different. When i was playing fire and ice with squad 4 and 5 juz now, it juz felt so great. it was like, i'm among the peeps, enjoying the fun, enjoying the laughter with them. it juz felt so great! tho it was onli a short 3min, it was like the most fun i've had in ages... haish... :'(
and darn, i wish, i realli wish i hadnt taken history sometimes... geography may have suited me so much more... gosh, i cant analyze for nuts. i dunno wat they want to consider a good essay, a good mind map, 1 with insight, 1 with analytical skills shown... physical geog was so fun! desribing how stacks were formed, explaining the plate tectonics, the diff parts of a river... it was so... beautiful? yea, understanding the past is fun, but... i dunno... i'm more for memorizing stuff? i'm not a critical thinker? my marks in history sux like dunno wat now? je ne sais pas... je suis très confus... quelqu'un apporte-moi hors de l'obscurité... s'il vous plait...
dang. another weirdo emotional post. shouldn't listen to emotional music while writing blog posts...
he left a mark
Saturday, September 17, 2005
@ 12:08 PM
wat a bad morning its been... cough cough until i kept waking up. major one at 5+am... (well, maybe this was destined so i could send jie the well wishes sms! ((= ) den again at 9am. tabuleh tahan. den i woke up, left nose bleed. bish... go to toilet, finish applying facial wash, washing that time like how come the soap doesnt seem to go away? open my eyes. the toilet looked like a crime scene and i looked like a murder victim. right nose bleeding. wah lau, had to clean up e whole place... gosh!had char kuay tiao for lunch. (oopz!) but i mean, its king of e king char kuay tiao lorz. den went to see doctor... tried to listen to mp3. but of all times, i had to be listening to mp3 last nite, couldnt even get woken up by my techno music, and let e battery drain till there was none left... ppl tot i was trying to call someone when actualli, i was listening to e 28 mp3 files left on my fone mmc card... xD
ok. i'm officially diagnosed with NOT bronchitis, but SINUS... to think i was asking kevin how sinus was like yesterday... yea. the symptoms and effects the doctor described was exactly that of mine. This Dr. Tan is MUCH MUCH betta a doctor. all my medicine's been changed. my antbiotics cost $50!!! wth. total doctor's visit cost was $80... *FAINTS* siao bo... but at least now i've got much more assurance of my recovery in 2wks time... PT mc has been extended to 1st oct. dang. i wanna jog! nonono. I NEED TO JOG!!! *pouts*wat a day...
(time lag)
omg. i forgot to flush the toilet after i threw the tissue used to clear up the bloody mess into it. my mum was asking all the females in my household who's time of e mth was up and kena overflow... WAH LAUZ! i owned up. I mean, to be the one who had nose bleed la.
hey, i juz realised how to change text colour and add images for my posts! i dun wanna change text colour, but i'll try adding photos! yayy!
(time lag)
*pouts*... photo comes out as an X in a box... forgeddit... i'll do it on frenster.... >.<
he left a mark
Friday, September 16, 2005
@ 8:27 PM
y am i blogging everyday arhz??? xD gonna sleep earli tonite... medicine tt causes drowsiness + late nites + coughing till i wake up constantly = tiring day in sch. *yawns*... but i muz say chinese lesson today was veh farnie, tho not veh polite... xD liu wanted a few ppl to present on the traditional festivals of the Chinese. den we had all sorts of crap like "yang shi jie" (sam's name), "guo ming jie" (marcus), "qiang jie" robbery! den si en went like "today, i'm gonna present on a Chinese traditional festival: kai zhai jie!!!" wah seh... den lots of other crap larz. made me laugh like dunno wat. english lesson: i still find mr soo the best history teacher in RI, if not one of e best in Singapore. The way he helped us with our English debate is like... proded larz! he' still DA BEST! Chem: Redox reactions are beautiful! ok, the ones Mrs. Yau showed us. making silver coated round-bottom flasks with 2 colourless chemicals, having a "fireworks' display... phew! nice! haha
Gosh, band. pipers for competition are chosen. now mrs khoo wants an officers' sit-in (captain, OC, teachers) for another band meeting where i'll re-iterate band vision, band direction and course of events. gosh... okiez... *pressure* i'll state e direction clearly now that i've a better idea. i think i was a tad bit ambitious at e start. now i'm clearer on where the band's headed this yr and stuff. Mr. Wallace's coming to instruct has had an immediate positive impact on the drummers. good! helps a lot.
Mdm Yvonne gave me this cute bagpiper badge she bought while in Scotland. beautiful! yay! this kind of stuff every week re-affirms wat i'm working for as a BM, that's to build up the culture of music in BB 60th! beautiful! i LURV MUSIC! whee!!!
now listening to Maksim. His new album's out! gonna buy it ASAP. i'm listening to his first album, reminiscing his concert which i dragged my dad to attend with me last yr. i still hv e ticket stubs! xD i remember how beautiful the piano pieces were! some so spirited, some so romantic, some emotional... aww... his concert (e first one i've ever attended) realli brought in a wonderful experience to me! phew! i wanna go again to attend another musical concert! maybe kevin kern's if he comes? this time it'd betta be at e esplanade! and with good company too! ((= LIKE I SAID, J'AIME LA MUSIQUE! J'AIME L'ESPRITE FORTE! YAYY!!! I'M HIGHH ON MUSIC!!!! *flies awayy...* now on his second album... mystical!!! yayy!!! (u can guess e time lag while writing this blog post... xD)
ok... back to band, academics and stuff... cya!!! ((((((=
he left a mark
Thursday, September 15, 2005
@ 8:19 PM
gotta do my history essay soon! Great Leap Forward. kok thong and i think RP's very well a similiar situation. disaster... even e teachers say tt... >.< dad's telling me to sleep earli everyday. needa recover asap! he's so good. gotta bear with my constant coughing every nite, but doesnt mind. thnx!!! (=
wah... mr chan told us DELF costs $65 now coz they cover everything. orale, compre, compo, listening. wah seh!!! betta not take e bet. take A2 onli. $65 is no joke sia... >.<
lessons today were quite fun. OH NO! chinese!!! garhh... read up on this and tt. gotta get to it! GRRR... anyway, chem and bio were quite enjoyable. esp chem. mrs yau is like joking with us more often now. xD i cant forget her infamous wide-eyed, lip-in glare with arms at her side. xD
CLE was quite crap larz... career education. re-iteration of everythin onli. tho 1 thing is true. i'd betta start asking myself wat i wanna be le. jie can be fashion desginer, which's realli very achievable. my dream: F1 racer for West McLaren Mercedes. (in singapore realli is wait long long leh) next one: rock bagpipe band. 1) my piping's far from novice, even tho i'm BM. now with bronchitis, cant pipe either. XX 2) where get band? longkuan, cheeks, terence? will they want? 3) got steady income to support family? 4) will ppl appreciate? haish... *drops back to earth* pilot bahz. wctw, i'll go back to my childhood dream job (one which my dad still teases me loads abt... =P) BUS DRIVER!!! xDxDxD
he left a mark
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
@ 9:34 PM
a quick post today. toked to jie till dunno wat time, den ATTEMPTED to sleep. finally got to sleep at 2+am when my fatigue overtook my ab-killer, yaba-effect-like constant bronchitis coughing... i think tonite sure e same one. dangz...
today our RE periods turned into academic periods. wah seh... chem e best. whole period learning on calculating the pH. -log blah blah blah... wah seh. xD MEMORIZE! den english. slack la! lunch at 1.15pm instead of 1.35pm. "i cant wait to let u all off" was Ms. Regina's last words. (x
den maths. wah lauz. some cheekopeh want to play a joke on junda and i. i think it went too far. he took our uniforms, hid mine behind the files at an unused locker. junda was not so lucky. that cheekopeh stole everything of his except his shirt and pants. dat cheekopeh!!! irritating! den i nvr heard ms tang shout so loud b4. i went back to class, den ms tang was like "ITS YOU RITE? SHUT UP!!!!" *THUNDER* i think louder den zach and my voice la! wah seh... ^^"
captain's handover today... hopefully a memorable on for Mr. Quek. 3yrs of captaincy le. now for Mr. Siow! haha
I cant stop listening to Westlife's "coast to coast" album... its real nice! all e songs inside... i love it! wah...
325 days to go! life rox when there's always stg nice to look forward to! ((=
he left a mark
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
@ 8:55 PM
wah lauz... *cough cough* i've been diagnosed with throat inflammation and bronchitis... >.< after 1whole hour's wait at e clinic. and my weight has gone down to 57kg... (BMI 19) not careful and i'd prob have TB soon... *cough cough* 11 day PT mc... wah seh... i'd prob be a weak pack of bones soon... dang...
den today was like dozing of in sch. history, eng, philo... oopz! i went to sleep at 12... cough until 1+am den could sleep... gosh... but french was quite nice today. dunno if its coz i've woken up oredy or wat. EOY French is 30th sept. DELF A2/B1 is in nov! anyone thinks i can take B1? Mr. Chan says geoff and i can take, but we were a lil struggling with comprehension orale A1 old format le! XX i think A2 first? hmm... geoff/jie, ur take? i follow crowd one. xD
arghz... not a very good day. tho i did polish nicely! yayy! boots are shining! (but darn, its cracking... a lil. had to put loads more kiwi to lighten e crack. luckily it still shines. =D) and belt too. ya know, i enjoy beauty alot. xD take pride in uniform! whee!
i changed my blog song yet again! fragile heart by westlife. beautiful song! listen to it! (=
ok geoff. we are beyond control. so let's not control ourselves. JOKE DEN JOKE ALL E WAY BRUDDER!!! XDXDXD
he left a mark
Monday, September 12, 2005
@ 9:04 PM
yayy!!! 2mths since we first met! online dat is. xD *pops champaigne* je suis très heureux! woots! ((= c'est vous, c'est vous
anyway, today arhz. YES!!! phy and chem quiz both FULL MARKS!!! YES! today's a special day with specially good luck! yayy! très bonne chance! assembly was 15min onli. Mr. Koh nth much to tok abt. whee! free period! xD followed by history. communal life. U SHARE EVERYTHING. ur wife, ur kids, ur land. nth's urs. wah lauz! sad case sia... me share my wife? NO WAY. i'll tell mao to... *dreams* yea.
den parade. i was PSM. ok, i used the tone i used to command e sch. den samulah samulah drill need brush up, standard need brush up blah blah blah. yea. its true manz. but i dun wanna distant away fr e coy... those times "bubble tea after sch?" kinda stuff... eekz...
den after fall out, stay back. yizhang said "louder for commanding". I shouted my lungs out. it was loud. i can do much betta i realised... the standard for sch nothing larz. xD denn rain like siao. luckily my mum fetched me home! heng arhz! yayy! (=
30th sept. french eoys. i juz realised. cant wait. i CANT WAIT AH. havent revised yet. I CANT WAIT ah... *sobbs*... cant wait ah... xD
yayy! i'm highh today! thank you all who made it a nice day today! here's a chocolate for ur heart to taste! (or stg liddat. xin li zhi qiao ke li) ((=
he left a mark
Sunday, September 11, 2005
@ 9:52 PM
Question: how do u maintain abs while not doing ab exercise for 2wks?
Ans: cough and cough and cough until ur abs hurt. its exercise. >.<
he left a mark
@ 1:55 PM
this morn went to chinatown with my family, aunt and uncle. on the way there, we were listening to this song "you to me are everything" by the real thing. (someone send me? cant find on internet... >.<) its such a lovely, beaty and spirited song! i started humming away... den my whole family started humming away... then at the high point all of us were singing loudly "you to me are everything, the sweetest song that i can sing, oh baby!" phew! that was nice! still cant find the song... argh! kazaa... i miss u... dang...
yumm! the food there is good! i mean, as usual! haha. good food, good company. whee! later they went into a tonic shop la, to look at e ginseng and all sorts of herbs.... then guess wat. i was standing outside, turned to my right to see the shop beside it, and TADA. "Condom Fantasies" shop. wah lauz! den got this young couple standing in front of it for ages, looking. den e ger seemed to be pushing him in. but in e end, both walked of. LMAO! wanna go in den go in la! ayohz. den my family came out. i pointed to it to my dad. "wah seh! they go tonic shop bu yi bu (take tonics to strengthen themselves), den go to e shop next door to buy ah" WAH LAUZ! i was staring at my dad, eyes wide open. LIAO! laughing like crazy! xD
ya know, sometimes i'm glad i have learnt to control anger and jealousy well. seriously. if not, i'd be a road rage... and with my emotional self, i can de zui ppl, which in e end do harm to myself. if i were to love a ger, and abstain her from half the population, minus myself, wat a cruel world it'll be. yea, sometimes ur heart'd ache a lil or feel a lil jealous to see her toking to guys or stg la, but as long as she loves u, she doesnt do anything behind ur back or to betray ur love or anything, wat's wrong? hmm...
You to Me are Everything
Oohh I would take the stars out of the sky for you
Stop the rain from falling if you asked me to
I'd do anything for you, your wish is my command
I could move a mountain when your hand is in my hand
Words could not express how much you mean to me
There must be some other way to make you see
If it takes my heart and soul you know I'd pay the price
Everything that I possess I'd gladly sacrifice
Oh you to me are everything
The sweetest song that I could sing
Oh babyy, oh babyy
To you I guess I'm just a clown
Who picks you up each time you're down
Oh babyy, oh babyy
You give me just a taste of love
To build my hopes upon
You know you've got the power girl
To keep me holding on
So now you've got the best of me
C'mon and take the rest of me
Oh babyy
Though you're close to me we seem so far apart
Maybe given time you'll have a change of heart
If it takes forever girl then I'm prepared to wait
The day you give your love to me won't be a day too late
Oh you to me are everything
The sweetest song that I can sing
Oh babyy, oh babyy
To you I guess I'm just a clown
Who picks you up each time you're down Oh babyy, oh babyy
You give me just a taste of love
To build my hopes upon
You know you've got the power girl
To keep me holding on
So now you've got the best of me
C'mon and take the rest of me
Oh babyy
Oh you to me are everything
The sweetest song that I could sing
Oh babyy, oh babyy
Oh you to me are everything
The sweetest song that I could sing
Oh babyy, oh babyy
Oh you to me are everything
The sweetest song that I could sing
Oh babyy, oh babyy
Oh you to me are everything
The sweetest song that I could sing
Oh babyy, oh babyy
he left a mark
Saturday, September 10, 2005
@ 11:27 PM
ok, b4 continuing my 3rd post for today, i muz say when i got home, i quickly checked the f1 website. MCLAREN FRONT ROW. WOOTS! Renault 13th and 5th (alonso). WAHAHA! MCLAREN IS GONNA DOMINATE. RENAULT, U
WATCH OUT. E silver arrows' gonna hit bulls eye! whee! xD
anyway, went for wedding dinner, fully equipped with my mp3 player and my handphone. mp3 for car, handphone for dinner. (wah lau, i sound veh evil sia) wore my polo long-sleeved shirt sleeves rolled up, top 2 buttons unbuttoned, jeans and gelled hair. xD it wasnt tt bad. the food was quite good. liked it loads! and b4 tt, the gift on our table was a beautifully decorated test tube with tea leaves inside. "enjoy the bliss of love with this lovely scented tea, specially for 2". i quickly pocketed mine. juz put it together with my 2 heart shaped coke sweets. my god sis is so blessed! i mean, all married couples are. aww... watching their route to marriage... sho beautiful!!! my dad was complaining all e way abt the inaccessability of the hotel. wth. i wanna get married at FULLERTON! i mean, such a nice ambience lorz! *dreamy...* ok. i admit, i treasure love a lot. its such a nice feeling to love someone and to have her love u back... ahh... *dreamy...*
den dinner started. with a bad cough and sore throat, i couldnt drink cold drinks, so i had chinese tea. (i love chinese tea). but thing is, they onli refill cold drinks. coz they always bz with food and stuff... wah lau, desperate le. i gulped down red wine. oredy got sore throat still kena the throat burning sensation from red wine. WAH LAU EH. can die sia. >.< but the food was realli good. tho i prefer company and ambience factors... *dreamy...*
329 days left. 1 more day till 2mths since we met!!! *dreamy...*
haish. dream whole day liao la. might as well go sleep and dream in bed. *dreamy....*
okok. nitez! zZZZ
he left a mark
@ 6:21 PM
HAH! i knew it. HAH! Got zen micro, sure got ipod nano! see! HAH! forgot who i said it too liao. now let's wait for zen pico. my dream: all 5gb of songs stored in two wireless ear fones. den can control from watch or stg. DEN TEACHERS CANT SEE WHEN WE LISTEN TO MP3 IN CLASS! woots! xD xD xD
sheesh. i'm being very very incoherent and random today. now for my godsis' wedding dinner... (i hardly know her btw) EVERYBODY REPLY MY SMSES PLEASE!!! *kneels down and begs for escape from the wreaths of boredom...* la telephone portable!! ((= very very very useful! gosh. u noe wat? i think i exceed my 1000free sms limits every mth... but u noe wat again? heck. i LURV company, and i LURV to sms. makes me HIGHHHH!!!! flying to the sky!!!! ((=
he left a mark
@ 1:16 PM
pourquoi... pourquoi...
he left a mark
Friday, September 09, 2005
@ 11:54 PM
went thru lots today... very eventful, albeit tiring day. started off with band. was in sch at 8am, couldnt pipe coz i'm sick... haish. anyway, settled stuff, den started band. starting attendance was quite bad. 8ppl onli... den jiwei and gerald came late. din wanna pump them, so i asked them to aplogize instead. den pipe section looked sian sian, so i gave out e sweets earli. haha. den utilized e drum section to move the cupboard fr maintenance to bb rm. could see their team spirit. good job! den yea, band drill. their counter-march and normal drill was good! so din do much drill. keep it up! lunch at columbarium... den nco council. my recap was a lil haywire coz all sorts of opinions came out, but e rest of e meeting went pretty good. thnx guys! =) remember e airplane runway analogy! tar for e band, A380 for e coy! haha!
got home, tired, slept for 30min onli. den woke up, bathed, gelled me hair e first time in 3wks. xD then went for dinner with geoff and 3 45th peeps at seoul garden. a lil nervous la, as in uneasy, but it went out well! lotsa toking, lotsa fun, lotsa food (thnx for e chilli! coughing away le! xD jkjk) and a great time to chill out after e whole week's work... fun! but i ate too much main course, no space for dessert. haish... my chin chow, ice cream!!! dang... but yea, enjoyed it! haha!
den went to nic cai's dad's funeral in geoff's car. beautiful piano music, made me all dreamy and stuff... haha! he was like smiling and inviting us in... first impression was tt he was strong manz. i mean, his dad... but many ppl came forward to express condolences and stuff and it was realli touching larz. ppl care. tt's a very nice tot. (=
yupp. so now i'm at home le... long day... haish. kena bombed by dad for coughing away... -_-" wah lauz...
329 days left!!! yayy!!! i passed by a choc shop juz now... longing for it... ((=
he left a mark
Thursday, September 08, 2005
@ 7:20 PM
je jusque écoute de la chanson "luciole" encore et encore. je ne peux pas arreter, je ne peux pas m'aider. et avec tout qu'arrive autour de moi, je ne peux pas écriter beaucoup, bien qu'il y a beaucoup que je veux dire. je veux parler à quelqu'un, mais il n'y a pas de temps, de oppurunité. haish... de temps à temps, je souhaite que je n'aie pas été le commandant de bande. interdit de faire ceci, interdit de faire cela. mon image pour soutenir, et aussi pour le bande. parfois... désolée... il n'y a pas de point à conversation de les événements d'aujourd'hui. je ne me sens pas de dire de ça. pas de point. beaucoup que je veux dire, rien que je peux dire. tout dans ma couer. je veux régler me libère, je ne peux pas. je ne sais pas comment.
qu'est-ce que je dis??? je suis allé fou... argh...
he left a mark
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
@ 10:01 PM
wah... i juz watched like 10min of e 9pm show "mu ji sheng dan" or stg liddat. the parents like divorced, den their child kena leaukemia. its like, she's suffering so much thru chemotherapy! its sho saddening! an their parents still quarelling abt who at fault, and none are suitable donors! its like... nearly made me cry lorz... its like... that poor pitiful child... so young gotta go thru so much, and parents not there for em. smack them la! )= show that ger some family love cann? like, wth, in times liddat still argue here argue there... sho sad!!! haish...
he left a mark
@ 7:48 PM
heh... i knew it. i always did. jie, i was rite! always. always. always when my parents arent there to wake me up, i slam down e alarm clock and go back to sleep. SUBCONCIOUSLY! 7.30 clock ring. i juz slammed it down and went to sleep. den woke up at8.10. "wow... wat a beautiful.." *sees clock. 8.10am.* "ARGH!!!" chiong chiong chiong. change, anyhow brush teeth, runs to bus-stop. misses 106. ARGH!!! luckily, thank God, thank God, thank God 105 was juz behind. i caught it. got to Naturalist course in time. and onli nat, daryl and i are there. Mr. Wong oso la. den when all 60th ppl are here, Mr. Wong chats with us loads. den we find out loads about founders' badge and lots of very good tips to improve our company. coolio! den 34th coy comes. at 9.30, evergreen sec comes. -_-" y did i rush...
den they split the evergreen ppl up. 1st grp, us, starts tour. to 13 girls. *faints* ok. we split up everything rite. den most of e time i did e toking! e rest toked a bit oso la, but mostly me. den i tok and tok and den by Burkhill hall i noticed ppl were chuckling at me. huh??? den Zhi Cheng walks up to me "hey, ur crowd control not bad sia. one YUP and everyone follow u" HUH??? wat??? "u dunno meh. u always finish ur sentence with YAP. blah blah blah. YUP!" SERIOUS AH... "ya lor, MR. YAP!" *faints* ok la! then by e time we gather back and continue tour, i'm YUPPING all e way to keep them chuckling. ok. it makes a fool outta myself i think, but i gain audience attention! so ok lorz. yupp!!!!! YUPP!!! and the gals start chuckling away. wah lauz. at least our group no havoc. always stick together and keep quiet while we give tour. =D we end the tour quite earli, and ppl remember me as Mr. Yap liao!!! LOL! ZHI CHENG!!! wah lau! keep suaning me. den wat tell gers ask me for number blah blah blah! alamak! -_-"
den after debrief, it was kinda sad la. as in, 34th coy peeps are nice. luckily we're meeting them on 16 and 18th nov again, for heritage badge! xD i realli miss naturalist course lehz. den after tt, junda, Mr. Wong and i walking together to e bus-stop. Mr. Wong's a veh nice guy la! and veh farnie oso! we were chatting about our Founders' , and he specially reserved 10 places for us for heritage. den tok abt some attitude guy yesterday. apparantly, he wasnt scolding at all. juz toking. and he was thundering already. OMG. and tok abt y he doesnt drive car. xD so he had to take bus 240. i was like... huh? sir, here no bus 240 wat. "neh! have!" he smiled and pointed at e road. wah! the mercedes ah! "no la! the one in front" TAXI. y? starting payment always $2.40. LMAO! cya sir! on 16th nov. i mean, BB family la!
den leadership challenge. its quite good in a sense tt wat we've learnt is re-affirmed, our leadership abilities are re-affirmed, and its like a reminder course larz. fr there, junda and i and geoff oso came up with some stuff to discuss thru. not bad! and continental lunch was good! argh! y march camp e food so big diff! bish... the leadership course increases awareness of our leadership. gd course! tho not tt interesting, esp since u got naturalist b4 tt.
havoc at home today. i was enjoying my afternoon nap after some sets, bathe. den kena woken up. y? mum screaming at maid. (like i said, i finally know where my loud voice comes from). grandma too. y? my maid smashed e glass and porcelain at my front doorstep down, accidentally. din tell. e porcelain all over e floor. my bro nearli stepped on it. she spilt shampoo oso. tried to sweep everything back into e bottle. my dad nearli slipped due to e lack of friction. my dinner was like eating rite smack in e middle of a battlefield. one way artillery, may i add. glad to leave e dinner table. cautiously. xD
i need someone to help me draw my bagpipe logo! coz e bagpipe looks like 6 and drum looks like 0. juz dat i need someone to draw e bagpipe and drum out in a shape of 60! help!!! haish...
331 days to go in 3hrs time! wanna go there again and admire, perhaps sketch fullerton from e anderson bridge! its beautiful!!! at nite even betta. when fullerton is illuminated in the warm, yellow lights, with beautiful river scenery beside... awww...
next monday. next monday will be 2mths since we've met. YAYY!!! ((= la telephone portable! haha!
he left a mark
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
@ 8:23 PM
whee! seems like jie used to go Lorna Whiston too! those gold star books we used to aim for, those nice games we used to play. Lorna was fun! have i met jie b4 in Lorna? there's a chance. hmm... muz hv been long ago. we were juz ranting on about the fun times we had in Lorna Whiston! ((= dun worri abt physics! juz send me e qtn and i'll get it done asap. =D
wah lau, supposed to go watch March of e penguins juz now. but had to go SANA. when i saw 11 slides, tot can go home earli. but NOOO... so much stuff. i was half sleeping thru first lecture, but perked up much betta later. luckily. den had to grp up. i mean, i din dare approach anyone at all with my small tight-fit 38 polo. looked real sissy. (size 40 for naturalist tml. bo bian...) so kean yung did e honours. and yea, got 2 gers to join us. Linda and Cher/ sher... er... something liddat? >.<>.<
WAH! i edited a bit of my post and everything gone! argh. basically got shown e effects of caning and stuff. effects are devastating. yet ppl still drug till death. shows its strength... den some attitude person tok to us. haish. then role play was quite fun! =P yea.
sheesh. kean yung and i laughing abt yaba. it sounds so kewl! yaba! eh, yaba! YABA DA BA DU!!! (flintstones!)
gee... anyi told me quite some stuff today. very insightful.... hmm... its got me all thinking and emotions all wired up again... hmm... quite true... (and guys, dun start another rumour coz of this comment) =S
oh yea, last nite i was wondering y my bolster suddenly so hard. (ok, laugh all u want. i have a bolster. =D ) untied all the coverings oredy still so tight. wah lau, so uncomfortable lorz. wanna hug properly oso cant! den guess wat, i juz found out my sis took my soft cuddly one instead. WAH SEH! now i've got my soft one back. more comfortable to hugg! can sleep in comfort and peace tonite. ^^
he left a mark
Monday, September 05, 2005
@ 6:38 PM
Je commence à aimer employer le français pour converser, bien que je dois utiliser altavista souvent. très belle langue pour les très belle gens! ((=
Last nite, till this morn 2am, was reading The Partner. reallli beautiful book. Shows lots of law stuff (some quite confoundingly simple) and how one can escape from stealing $90million, divorce case (win it), murder and 5charges of money laundering. incredible. absolutely beautiful story. juz dat i din like e ending, personally. Patrick Lanigan left his whole $20million left with the woman he loved so dearly, and had wished his whole life to spend with her. She never returned. i'd heck e money. can always earn it back. but losing ur loved one is so absolutely heart-wrenching...
anyway, today, i survived science period. i mean, i needn't survive. 5hours of physics! its so darn fun! tho i kept complaining in front of Mr. Wee, he's definately one teacher who can keep us interested and love physics man. He absolutely rox! and it was later 1 on 4 lesson, which made it like a tution lesson. so nice! i love physics man. bio wasnt tt bad either, juz dat it seemed to take a longer time to end. or maybe its coz Photonics is a very interesting topic. I mean, we're doing Undergrad stuff and solving undergrad problems. PHEW!
and off i went to buy another John Grisham book this afternn. and this time, it onli cost $13 after 20% discount. WTH. its half price! at popular. but they onli had The Broker. so i had to make do with The Broker. havent realli read it yet. Hope to start! whee! But i think i'll finish Harry Potter first. i mean, i left it halfway, on quite a high note too. haha!
junda and i were talking abt combined activities bet 45th and 60th. hmm... i realli cant find a reason for it coz we're planning an activity and getting an objective to suit it. Social interaction? very weird sia. buaya? can be true for some, but definately not most. and DEFINATELY NOT ME. i mean, i realli find no meaning in it, or much for e coy tt is, tho personally yea, can catch up with frens, but if geoff and junda think can, den i dun mind. can tok to frens oso. Just betta not take it in e wrong light. yea, its so sensitive. haish.
arh heck. i'm juz feeling so lazy again. *yawns*... still got some hw to do tho... juz dunno if i wanna do it now... xD
he left a mark
Sunday, September 04, 2005
@ 4:37 PM
today, under great recommendation, i went to buy John Grisham's book. was looking thru, and finally decided on "The Partner". Great book! i'm about 1/4 thru and its been leaving me on the edge of my coffee-table/car/restaurant/sofa seat! beautiful thriller! like i said, under very great recommendation. =D then my dad and i went to Coffee Club again for breakfast. He suggests Olio Dome next wk coz he can eat brownies while i take my all-time fav ham sandwhich. Hopefully its open earli in e morn. =P dang. couldn't find zen neeon covers at best. seems like have to go Creative warehouse for tt...
den after tt, my dad and i went to the chinese physician to do up our backs and hands. haish... anyway, on the way, my dad was juz commenting on Singapore food. den we passed by Serangoon Gardens. "hey, u want very good carrot cake and satay bee hoon? i'll bring u there someday. its realli shiok!" wah... first Adam Road's prawn noodles, den Balestier's double boiled soup and now this. phew! now u peeps know where my hawker centre food genes come from. =D (tho all the hawker centres seem to be surrounded by terrace houses... xD)
ok. i haven't been to the chinese physician for a long time. so when he came to press my nerves or stg, supposedly to relax me b4 healing, i was squirming around like a donkey! i've got real sensitive nerves, so it was quite torturous! gosh... but after the treatment, i feel much better again! hopefully i've healed more now. dun wanna go back so often. my dad and my treatment cost $120... wah seh...
Mr. Wong i heard fr Longkuan is down with dengue suspect. no wonder he din give us essay. hayoh. 8 ppl in class down with fever, den the teachers. to all who's having fever or down with some illness right now, GET WELL SOON! drink more water (i dont mean canned drinks), eat more nutritious food (chocs are a lil too nutritious rite now, so nopez, not chocs. =S), avoid the wet weather (dat includes no swimming) and rest well (lie in bed all day with a John Grisham book The Chamber or stg.)! ((=
he left a mark
Saturday, September 03, 2005
@ 8:25 PM
heehee, everyone clap for me please. i've finally officially opened my Harry Potter and .... er... the half blood prince yes! xD i find the first seven chapters a lil draggy at times... i dunno, but sometimes i realli feel that i much prefer e first few books. the 2nd's still my all time-fav. it was more to the pt and enriched. this book seems like a solution. the more pages (solvent) u add, the more diluted (content) it becomes... eekz. but still quite a good read!
today i tried doing push-ups. since i fell ill, havent trained much at all (other den yesterday's walk. xD) so down i went. 50 wide arms. haish... missed my best by 20... needa push back to my upper limit! argh! pump pump pump! oh yea, and jog too... i'd much rather swim! but no time to go... >.< argh. AQ is such a good time for fitness improvement oso. those days where chong keat, yen yeong, cheeks, ming yong push us so hard we bo bian gotta juz perservere and keep it there. woot! so fun sia! (the afterthought la)
i've got inspiration for writing the zuo wen for hol hw... eekz... how come? hayohz... nvm. i think harry potter can gimme inspiration. can it? arghz. i'll juz crap up again. =D
he left a mark
Friday, September 02, 2005
@ 10:17 PM
oh yea, i learnt stg impt today. if u wanna crap stuff out, please crap ALL THE WAY. my chem qtn i crap dun dare crap all e way. in e end, i lost 2mks. sheesh! i shd hv crapped ALL THE WAY. XD / >.< (confused emotions la. =P)
oh yea, jie ah, sorry, changed out to this song le. i wanna promote e bagpipe band! this was e song i told u inspired me a lot for brushing up my bagpipe standard! =D the song muz listen e whole song to appreciate it. some parts are aboriginal and got new age touch, so may sound a lil weird. but i LOVE it! comme je t'aime. ((=
he left a mark
@ 7:51 PM
i passed my chem test. i realli tot i'd fail but i passed reasonably! PHEW! 5hours of physics and 3hrs of bio on monday. can die. but i'll live. =D
anyway, today, after bio prac, junda and i embarked on our 3.5hr long heritage trail walk! first up: burger king lunch. ok, fine, its not part of e walk, but oh heck, we might as well enjoy a good lunch b4 e walk rite? xD den we went to e war memorial park. we went in there, crapping away like 2 gong gongs looking around for some treasure. find and find and finally, saw some bulletin kind of thing there, with all e answers. ok. set. toook a few pics oso. den we saw some girls there prob trying to do e same trail as us. wah seh! den they were like asking ppl around where's e tan kim seng fountain. i looked at my map, looked up, said "GO". and off we went. found it easily. and so many other sites.
got to fullerton and it started drizzling. we were juz happily walking in e rain la. we tot the walk'd be mundane or stg but turns out its quite fun when u hv someone to crap along with and to juz joke around! enjoy ur company. =D took a lot of fotos at the merlion area and fullerton area. the views and sceneries there were breath-taking! i was joking with junda "u noe, e next time i pictured i'd be coming to Fullerton would be at nite with my girl, strolling romantically and enjoying e beautiful night-scenes. yet, now i'm here in e afternoon for academic purposes with a guy. and i'm holding an umbrella to cover the ws. u noe we look real gay? -_-" " XD anyway, we got to collier pier or stg. apparantly, after hearing my mum, some boat got sunk there for some reason. junda and i din know at tt time. we saw a boat looking half sunk or stg there and juz stared in disbelief. "eh, floating restaurant ah? or issit a monument of some significance b4 its torn down?" xD upon closer look, we saw its realli a ship half sunk. WOAH! big news sia! (we're veh sua ku la) den we took an escalator dat looked like those i used to take 12yrs ago, and went back to fullerton. i shd hv brought a good digicam or stg. there's loadsa beautiful or memorable stuff we could hv taken! but i'd to resort to using my hp cam... haish... and den junda and i had a debate on who's richer. he was trying to get me to treat him choc buffet oso. wah lau eh! xD i mean, who doesn't know he's richer den me? i'm just seemingly more generous at times. (esp when u get me happy with test results or other stuff. =P)
went to art house and victoria concert hall. saw e black sir stamford raffles statue. i took a foto with it. got contrast! xD junda was telling me, "eh, take e foto at nite. make him wear our sch uniform. with e quality of ur hp cam, u'd prob onli see e uniform" LOL! then at padang area, saw lots of girls. being RI boys, its onli natural we'd start commenting sooner or later. tho i'd nth good to say abt them at all. i mean, wat's there to say when i've met e most pretty girl ever in my life? *winks* =) junda had no comment either. den walk all e way back to arts museum. bought a skittles and he bought snickers at some vending machine. den walk all e way to central fire station. den came e pinnacle of all physical activity there. after walking for at least 10km, here we are, staring at a huge flight of stairs leading up Bt Larangang. (guess wat hill i'm talking abt). wah lau eh! at first we were upbeat, by e time we got to e top, we were literally cursing and swearing away, laughing like maniacs oso. real hysterical! xD so after 3.5hrs, at least 10km, and lots of fun, we completed e walk! (CLAP PLEASE!) watch out 60th. junda and i have decided its a very very good hike for a camp or something similiar. =D
phew! back at home, gotta settle LOADS of stuff for Mr. Wallace coming to teach us. He's got high expectations and its kinda pressurizing to meet everything in time. but yea, i guess i'll be able to get thru it. hey, with all e motivation, y can't i? ((=
336 days to go! passing Fullerton juz now, i can be assured it'll be a very great nite! ((=
1mth 21days since we met! yayy! now i'm highh!!! =D
he left a mark
Thursday, September 01, 2005
@ 7:48 PM
heehee! finishing up my post. hotdog buns in Botanic Gardens are real delicious! $4 with beef sauce and $3.50 without. go try! LOL. if onli e stuff at botanic gardens wasnt so expensive...
oh yea, Longkuan sent me this bagpipe song Busindre Reel. a real strong new age touch! my fav! its seriously very very nice! and the beat is so strong. the piper's hands must ache like siao after playing this. its very fast! beautiful. absolutely beautiful. i'm gonna prac my chantering like siao now, to improve my fingering. its real impt in getting nice tunes right. sheesh. This song's so much betta den even itchy fingers! i'm dancing. i'm grooving. woah. Its GOOD.
oh yea, i think i needa arrange e songs in my mp3 player into albums. everytime i switch on my mp3, i'd be scrolling down to find a string of songs suited to my mood. if i put em in albums, not tt much problems le.
sheesh, les gens disent que je suis très évident dans mes expressions? Je devine que je ne peux pas me cacher mes émotions. ce sont trop fort.Il est sans doute que c'est toi, c'est toi, c'est toi... =P
he left a mark
@ 6:30 PM
back from 2nd day of naturalist! very fun oso today. the written test was super easy... its like, there's helping words for e fill in e blanks! wah lauz. xD i bought macademia dulce ice cream for $3 b4 e tour. yumm! not bad, tho juz dat bit lacking fr Haagen-Dazs. =P anyway, we went to give tour today. ok larz. 2yrs ago u ask me to do e same thing i'd prob pee in my pants. today can larz. juz speak out (since i got loud voice, no prob), smile, know ur facts. then there was this part we decided to play with them around and told them we couldnt understand english. so they spoke in chinese. we happened to be entering e cool room. "wo3 men2 xian4 zai4 yao4 jing4 DONG4 FANG4 le$" LOL! got us laughing like siao! dong fang = nuptial room. xD den even betta. Mr. Wong coming out that time said "hey, on that day ah, make sure u dun let ur ppl wander around ah. dun later come out of e cool room (dong fang) with 1 more person" LMAO! laugh until get stitch le! xD anyway, we're getting Evergreen Sec or stg liddat. can la. shd be ok. =P
ok. dinner. may blog again later. havent finish. XD
he left a mark