Monday, October 31, 2005
@ 11:17 PM
heh, dun feel like blogging much, anyway, with onli 5hrs of sleep, went to breakfast, den de-stressing time in tiong bahru with zach den went to tekkah lan 4hrs. XD den bk lunch, den marina square! the upgrading has changed lots of the interface, so i had to picture how it used to be like to navi ourselves around. the walk there made the rest sigh and grumble, but we made it and bowled! WHEE! xD somehow, when i get high, i bowl betta. anyway, lam and ky got lost in marina square. LOL! k, that's it. *YAWNS!!!* i'm not as hardy as some ppl i know... xD
274days to go! c'est deux cent soixante quartorze jours! (((((= tchao!
he left a mark
Sunday, October 30, 2005
@ 10:14 PM
bought new earphones, took a spin in my dad's car, no, my mum's car (its registered under her name now for cheaper maintenance fees), HOW COOL CAN THE CAR GET?!!! WOOT! (ok, anyi's had enuff of my car ranting i know. xD) and its a long long holiday! ok. there's nth much to blog abt larz... i'm juz... feeling weird. heh. RANDOMNESS! ok, i'm weird.
I LOVE... erh... nth
heh. byebye
he left a mark
Saturday, October 29, 2005
@ 8:39 PM

When i first saw my car, from the front, it was EXHILIRIATING! the car looks so kewl! and the interior rocked! complete with a magnificent sound system! argh... cant stand it. i feel like spending my night in the car! the leather reeks of quality, the car ride is so smooth and the car is absolutely superb! o wonder Xin Miao's dad never switched out of Subaru... xD
he left a mark
Friday, October 28, 2005
@ 8:37 PM
OH YEA. TOMORROW, I GET MY SUBARU!!! WHEE!!! SFZ 8494Y! sheesh, not SGA... but same number as Zhe Yuan's car! hehe! we got affinity sia! hehe! =)
he left a mark
@ 7:46 PM
argh... torn between decisions... Mr. Wee approached yutong, mingxuan and me (out of the whole level) to get us to join some ST engineering or wateva research program on dengue over the holidays, to come out with a product to help fight dengue. he made it so persuasive i din dare say no, but now i dunno. do i want more slack time, or do i want more exposure? mr wee says he'll try make it tues AND thurs, which means i've got no holiday at all... wed SGB, fri band, monday AQ? ARGH!!!!! somehow, i feel like joining AQ more.... HOW?!!!! eeeks... y still so much happening to me? i tot i said i wanted a more laid-back, relaxed holiday to revitalise myself?? but how to refuse Mr. Wee, such a nice phy teacher? its a priviledge somemore... GRRR...
he left a mark
Thursday, October 27, 2005
@ 8:23 PM
heh. my fone is screwing up. >.< think so. all my smses arent delivered tho they state delivered. tmd. i think that's been it all the time. NOKIA SUX! TMD So if i seemingly daoed u, please forgive me. i reply to EVERY sms i receive. unless its a crap sms, which is VERY rare.
anyway, i think my results are more or less confirmed, juz my SS, which is 69.6, so its either 70 or 69, which my SS teacher says should be 70. so my GPA average is 3.52/3.56 (depending on SS) and average raw is 72.6/72.7 (again depending) not bad la. did much better den i expected, esp after the turmultuous month i had. Hope is GOOD! =)
then after 3rd lang, which Mr Chan says he's prob gonna teach us again next year (YEAH!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!!!! WAHAHA!!!!), went jogging with geoff, longkuan and cheekeen. 2.4. during the run, i somehow got powered up. adrenaline for the unhappy reasons. hehe. anyway, did a 13+min jog. PATHETIC. MUST GET BACK IN SHAPE!!!! where's my 10min50?? tmd. den did sets. den we went to RJC to play tennis. my dad used to be a tennis coach, but he never passed down anything to me. so yea, i suck at tennis! but we had quite a lot of fun! enqing joined us too. woot! the AQ days, the relaxing times! Love it love it love it love it! it felt good to release all the toxins and jus let urself go. whee!!! hehe! felt so good!
ok, now gotta type out band stuff. gonna get a lil confusing, but still muz do. and chanter! hehe
thnx to my very close frens, who made me realise that u all care! u guys made it possible for me to tide past the rough times! thnx loads guys! ((((=
he left a mark
Monday, October 24, 2005
@ 11:13 PM

AHH!! found it! on Sheila's blog somemore... xD see that "Happy Birthday" on top of her head? xDDD
he left a mark
@ 7:26 PM
i juz switched on my computer, and there was 1 email waiting for me. from sheila! i was like... eh? for wat? suddenly send me greeting card? as i viewed the card, i was... at a loss of words. it was a kind of appreciation of our friendship. i was totally touched! its surprising i din tear with happiness. its realli nice to know tat someone cares for u in this world and appreciates u, cos sometimes u dunno abt it. ahh... loss of words... such a strong feeling inside me tho. thanx loads Sheila! (((=
i dunno y i went to school today la... the onli thing interesting was the performance. made me laugh and laugh!!! Roger Jenkins and his crew are good manz! den i went jogging juz now, only to have it rain after a while... jogged back and jogged around my neighbourhood! aruond the market and stuff. xD
yayy! my holidays are starting to pack up with events! band on fri morns, some weds gone for BB involvements, 28th nov-2nd dec week 2days of DELF, 8th and 10th going out with cousins and frens, 27th nov boat ride with cousins (i realli love this one. a damn good chill-out, esp with e banana boat!), 14th nov, 27-29th nov PSL meeting (if i get in)... and there's time to slack at home too! whee! hehe! so fun! oh yea, 10th dec bagpipe competition. if i'm up to it... >.<
he left a mark
Saturday, October 22, 2005
@ 9:05 PM
after watching Taxi 2 and laughin my arse out, i think i've gotten some seemingly stupid but sensible knowledge. It was proven when i played NFSU2. when u're going at stg too fast to slow down, and there's a danger of knocking into stg, juz chiong. chiong ahead, push harder, add the nitro-oxides, pump in the turbo, and go full speed ahead. sometimes, being too cautious will juz make u crash. and crash HEAVILY...
argh... the reason y i've been blogging entry after entry these few days is cos i need to get rid of some burden in my heart. something deep down inside, i dunno wat. lan, blogging doesnt help. wat i think i realli need is a walk. a walk with a realli close fren, to juz pour out my burdens, pour out everything, have a nice talk, and juz walk. something like wat i did during the heritage trail. walk and walk and walk. admire the scenery, laugh and make jokes, talk, juz enjoy the company of a very good fren. yes, that's wat i need. and perhaps add some speed thing into it, like er, take a open-top bus? now i know y ppl love convertibles. the strong wind juz blowing into ur face, maybe u can shout a lil. feels great. i wanna do it, yet i've got no time. or is it i dun feel like going. yea. that's it. i dun feel like going. who the hell in the correct frame of mind would wanna go for a walk? who'd wanna spare the time? who has the time? i've tried asking my dad. he hasnt taken leave during holidays for the past 2 major hols so that we can have porridge in chinatown before WALKING to funan to buy games. during these times, its not the porridge or the games i treasure most, but the walk. the walk when my dad and i would juz talk and reminisence every single memory we had. like he'd point out at one restaurant and say "hey, this is where we had ur 1yr old dinner celebration" or i'd say "hey dad, remember this place? we bought the furniture here for our new house! and i played cards with the boss' son, and...." juz so beautiful. gosh... i seem to be in azkaban. so much of happiness seems to be seeped outta me. all i'm trying to revive it with is material stuff. my mp3, my dad's new car, yada yada. doesnt work. doesnt work. worse still, BB life isnt how it used to be. no more soccer matches after parades, no more lunches together, no more fun activities outside parade. its getting too routinal. worse still, my grades are suffering. man... i dun like to go out alone...
come to think of it, i cant wait for the christmas season to start! then orchard will light up and bustle at nite! i love night life at orchard during christmas season. then amidst all of the big crowd, juz enjoying the lights, enjoying the ppl, enjoying the spirit. shop at centrepoint or taka, have supper... nope, no more of this nowadays. my family doesnt do this anymore. no fren can stay out that late to shop. nopez, all gone. all's left of me this "holiday" is planning planning planning. if nt, home blogging blogging blogging, NFSU2NFSU2NFSU2.
DAMMIT!!! *puts head down on the table and shakes head... =(*
he left a mark
@ 6:19 PM
this morn was listening to firefly, eyes kinda started stinging. then closed my eyes a while, then opened them. i was tearing... gosh. i think my eyes are too dry. eye mo! xD had a strange dream too, but shant say. i kinda felt more relieved, yet worse, yet betta after last nite's sleep... very confused feeling leh. and i was feeling so lathargic today i knocked into my toilet door! wah lauz. my parents were asking me about my piano results... i din dare say... i told them i dunno. for once, my mum couldnt see thru my lie... somehow i feel this year, tho much more exciting socially and less routinal, has become quite a failure of a year... my mind has been too focused on something, which leads to every other thing kinda falling apart... haish... geoff's rite, i need to pick myself up and get back to my normal-self b4 i start affecting the band as well with warped and hasty decisions...
Playing NFSU2 can get a lil irritating at times. makes me very angry too. i'm leading all the way, and suddenly the comp plants a normal street car outta nowhere and i crash. then i recover, chase the leading car and overtake. that guy suddenly has to swerve into me and spin me out. its a freaking 7min race! gosh... den gotta restart race. BAH...
maybe i dun need to be F1 racer la. WRC not bad oso. my dad's car dealer drove us to the HQ to sign some papers in his Impreza WRX. i mean, who cool can dat get? turbo-charged supercar! pity not STi, but heck! he pumps the accelerator, the opp reaction juz pushes u into the seat, and before you know it, he has to change gear and u're juz gaining more and more speed! his skills are good too! he was maneouvering through the obstacle-course-like car park like nth. woot! skills! dang. now number plate is SFZ6921, meaning when the car-dealer registers our car next sat and we get it, it may be SFZ 9---. argh... nvm. like my parents say, as long as can strike lottery, who cares? my parents ah... xD
i bought 3vcds today! taxi 2, taxi (american) and Monster-In-Law! all comedies. gonna get ready to laugh my arse off! =D where's e popcorn?
he left a mark
Friday, October 21, 2005
@ 7:45 PM
ok. RGS girls. Be warned. Bring ear-muffs or wateva u can to block out noise on 4th november, when u go to school. ronin or wateva singaporean band is gonna come perform at ur sch. RI walked out of the LT all deaf and headache juz now. so be warned. unless u're the heavy metal kind. *head throbs*
had this nearly 2hr discussion with ms tang on BB stuff. lots of stuff to do le. chiong chiong chiong!!!
gosh, i think i'm thinking too much today... (not academically, after ronin, i couldnt even do simple mole concept volumetric calculations...) got back my piano results... dun wanna tok abt it... i passed, if that's any consolation AT ALL...
oh yea, geoff and i were talking abt reality shows like bachelor and bachelorette. honestly, its a degradation of the human morals, conscience and society. wat's with playing around with love and such? are ppl that greedy? the mentality of "i'll pick all, then i'll slowly eliminate one by one to choose my guy/ger" dammit, the opp sex has feelings too! love is mutual, and ppl are using these kinda bo liao shows to possibly ruin someone's love life foreva? goodness. they shouldnt flirt around liddat lor! love 1 person den love 1 person, not go hurt that guy/ger's feelings. idiot sia.
went lanning with geoff. damn shiok, tho we din get to play CS.... sad. 1 on 1 dota quite fun sia! these kinda games very free roaming and long lasting. we took 1 hr and couldnt finish e game! xD
gee... i'm downright tired. shd sleep earli tonite... (like i ever do...)
This song is so beautiful, its even on my blog music now:
Can't take my eyes off you: Frankie ValliYou're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
Pardon the way that I stare.
There's nothing else to compare.
The sight of you leaves me weak.
There are no words left to speak,
But if you feel like I feel,
Please let me know that it's real.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,
Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you,
stayAnd let me love you, baby.
Let me love you.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
You'd be like Heaven to touch.
I wanna hold you so much.
At long last love has arrived
And I thank God I'm alive.
You're just too good to be true.
Can't take my eyes off you.
I love you, baby,
And if it's quite alright,
I need you, baby,
To warm a lonely night.
I love you, baby.
Trust in me when I say:
Oh, pretty baby,Don't bring me down, I pray.
Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay..
he left a mark
@ 12:39 AM
j'ai juste regardé le film "Wasabi" pour le troisieme temps, et il ne cesse toujours pas de me faire rire et cri. je vous dis, Luc Besson est le meilleur acteur en France, si pas le monde. Une moment, je ris comme un imbecile, une moment, je pleure comme la belle de mes reves est juste mourt. J'aime ce film! L'amour du pere et fille...
maintenant, je vais dormir ou je dormirai dans la piscine demain. non, pas demain. aujourd'hui. xD bonne nuit, tout le monde! (=
PS: Je veux regarder "Taxi"! le film est dirigé par Luc Besson aussi! hehe! les voitures, les voitures séduisants avec les turbos et vitesse... VROOOM!!!
he left a mark
Thursday, October 20, 2005
@ 9:06 PM
i juz read this from a certain website:
As you have been told earlier, there is going to be a redox quiz held in week 8 (monday and wednesday depending on your timetable) during chemistry period. It is a short (20 minutes, 20 marks) quiz on redox and ionic equations.
You may want to
take this opportunity after CT to study for it since it is going to be
graded and counted towards your sec4 Chemistry CA component.
An excellent way to start the new year!
Please consult your respective chemistry teachers during subject review next week should there be any doubts.
WAH LAU EH!!! I NOT STRESSED ENUFF IZZIT! EXCELLENT WAY TO START A NEW YEAR?! POOI! y did i join the school i chose to join? (u can see i din write down e name of e website and my sch name. or else, i'll get admin personnel hounding me like they hounded my frens... tok abt freedom of speech...)
he left a mark
@ 8:03 PM
my sis's bdae today! so food galore! choc fondue, jap buffet, swensens... YUMM!!! i'm stuffed like a pig liao! (x
and my dad's car dealer juz called to say we got e COE! juz hv to top up a lil bit of money. PHEW. car's coming out end next week. EEKS... hope we dun get SFZ car-plate... all of us want SGA! pouts....
i think i'm going to faint of fatigue soon... slept at 2am this morn to chiong my assignments... still have trigo assignment to do now... walking back from holland v juz now, i think i nearly fell asleep walking... >.<
287 days to go! whee! ((=
he left a mark
@ 12:41 AM
chocolates chocolates. mint, caramel, rum and raisin, black forest, coffee, peanuts. WHEE! i think i've wiped out half the supply of chocs in 2days. No wonder i've been unable to sleep for the past 2nites la... ah heck. tml no paper, eat more! xD i love mint chocs! the sweet yet refreshing feeling. =P
ok, back to advanced chem essay. I THOUGHT I SAID COMMON TEST WAS OVER!!!! *POUTS* still got trigo assignment after this... *slams books shut*
he left a mark
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
@ 4:24 PM
no... COE price is $14,101... my mum onli bid $13,600... no... ='(... scrape COE and make life for drivers easier la...
on a not much happier note, CTs are over. but, still got assessment components AFTER CT. wat's RI's problem eh?
went swimming with lam today. he kept screaming in the pool! argh! but it was a nice time to chill out. a lil bit of sun, den can exercise loads. hehe!
back to work on BB and band le.
where's my break???
he left a mark
Monday, October 17, 2005
@ 3:22 PM
i'm very confused... maybe in a state of self-denial... refusing all the info that comes my way. i've that feeling its true. it all fits. but i'm juz telling myself "NO". it cant be... its not possible... no... impossible... i'm hoping, fervently hoping, its not true. i feel like i'm telling myself "No, McLaren's gonna get the constructors' championship" when Montoya crashed out, Kimi was 3rd while the 2Renaults were in front. but its a much deeper, much more constricting emotion... pourquoi... pourquoi est-il comme ça? pourquoi est-ce que je dois suffrir? pourquoi est-ce que j'ai besoin d'etre la victime? Me dire pourquoi... quelqu'un me dire pourquoi... apres tout que j'avait fait pour toi, même si vous ne savez pas de lui... mais venir de lui penser, pourquoi devrait vous soigne? je suis mais une marionnette à toi, une marionnette disposée...
he left a mark
Sunday, October 16, 2005
@ 4:33 PM
sometimes, life can be juz so down. and the thing is, its not even your fault. take a look at today's grand prix. all montoya did was to race to his very best, and a portruding drain cover that the race officials in China din check properly ended his race. Renault took the Constructor's Championship as well. (now i warn anyone against tagging abt this on my blog. u'll get it bad) anyway, makes me think wat i could hv done, tt i din even know, culd hv caused a change in someone else's life. or wat someone else did indirectly affected mine. it can be so co-incidental, so unfortunate, yet it happens. u think u'd hv brightened up someone's life, u made his/hers worse. u thought that by dumping a piece of rubbish on e floor wun matter, u caused some guy who's runing e corridor to die by falling hard on his/her head. sometimes we cant prevent it. that's the irony. gosh... that's part of the concept called "fate" for you. something happens to your life coz of stg others did, but no-one knows its gonna turn out like this, no one expects it. gee... stupid drain cover... >.<
cant wait for exams to be over! anyone wants to go out for a movie or stg?
he left a mark
Saturday, October 15, 2005
@ 1:39 PM
to the guy suggesting that BB shd be scraped from all schools, i politely suggest that u shd be scraped from the face of this Earth.
he left a mark
@ 11:15 AM
my brother is humming and singing firefly the whole day liao! keeps asking me to play the song to him! he loves it too! ((((((=
he left a mark
Friday, October 14, 2005
@ 9:41 PM
gosh... how come everyone i sms never reply one... >.< my delivery report flawed i think... nokia... next fone i buy ericsson betta la. more reliable. (that'd be a whole long time away. cant be changing handphone every year can i?)
2papers down le. english paper was GEP one lorz. i think i shd be able to do ok la... i think. hmm... social studies paper was... normal? it'd betta be betta den normal coz my normal SS marks aint good... XX
juz now i read a bit on e website and found some new exercises to do for sets. quite good results i think. whole body aching le... shall continue these, and start swimming after CTs are over! i want, need and love to swim! =D
JIAYOUU for exams! 1wk left. PARTY TIME HAS COME!!! (((((=
he left a mark
Thursday, October 13, 2005
@ 5:19 PM
he left a mark
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
@ 5:32 PM
on another note, its 3months since we met! YAYY!!! JIAYOUU!!! ((((=
he left a mark
@ 5:23 PM
i wonder... has our society gone too far into meritocracy? where results and everything matter, but not passion? where meer quantitative results on some ink, a piece of paper and 1 bit of memory matter much more than the burning passion, the beauty of the heart? why is it that ppl with the paper and nice looking numbers on ink get everything, while those displaying much more fervor, much more enthusiasm and much more love for the particular subject or stg get thrown aside? why is it that humans cant look into the heart to see how a person feels toward stg? so wat if someone is betta quantiatively? he/she may be smarter, may be more academic. so wat? it totally defeats the never-say-die attitude that others who may nt hv as much IQ or something similar? Edison or someone successful in a similar field of study once said "success is 1% IQ, and 99% hardwork with passion" shouldnt those who dont possess as much of the 1%, but much more of the 99% be given a chance? be given the oppurtunity? someone who has, in fact, longed for something that another with higher IQ, with less passion gotten so much easier? if humans could choose, all of us would hv chosen to be smart. most, at least. the thing is, we cant. we cant. Give those ppl with passion equal oppurtunities, look beyond the 1234567890 of logic and deep into the passion of the <3. c'mon, practice wat u preach. DO IT!
he left a mark
Monday, October 10, 2005
@ 5:21 PM
hmm... saw this on sherene's blog... feels good when u hv frens like these. =)
Piglet sidled up behind Pooh. "Pooh," he whispered. "Yes, Piglet?" "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw. "I just wanted to be sure of you." - Winnie-the-Poohlife can be so beautiful...
he left a mark
@ 5:01 PM
argh... i'm losing it... i'm failing in nearly every aspect of life... i dunno if i'm failing ppl's expectations of me, or my own expectations, but i'm failing it... losing grip like cars on a wet day, losing confidence like a deflated balloon, losing focus like a guy without specs... maybe life as just a mugger was good after all. ignorance is bliss? i guess so... i want everything to end. all the responsibilities, juz to scrape outta my life for a few days. i seem to be living my life for the happiness of others. so much so my happiness depends on them. academics get scholarship, parents happy, i happy. band and 60th get good results, company happy, i happy. hang out with peeps, they happy, i happy... cant someone make me happy for once? when i got back my physics assessment component results, i was nearly crying. den i tot, y am i? coz my grades were lowered, meaning i may not get Hakka scholarship for my parents. $400. i feel like a puppet at times. i long for the times i'm released fr sch. that lil freedom feeling. wat's happening... i'm a boy, yet so weak inside... wat's my prob...
he left a mark
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Boys Brigade -First For Boys @ 1:57 PM
after reading today's Sunday Times, and being asked by a few frens, I think i should address this issue of BB in RI (at the very least). my family background is kinda buddhist, i think. but i've never been uncomfortable or anything with the way Christianity is weaved into BB. And i've joined Bible Quiz for 2yrs. Wat does this say? BB yes, is a Christian Organisation. We conduct Singspiration, prayers, Christian Education. But we offer this sort of a choice for the Boys. In Christian Education, our teachers give illustrations of stories from the Bible and we often learn wat kind of lessons and such we can apply into our lives. Non-Christians still benefit from these lessons, like those of honesty, of trust and such. When there's more spiritual events involved, we give the Boys an option to join in. most, if not all, do. Junda, ACCAL, has a Taoist family background. he can still take part actively in activities. We do our planning, our execution and events in a more secular environment. We, in fact, operate just like any other UG does. we've got our drill, our physical trainings, our badgework and parades. As a Boy, I've benefitted loads from BB. its turned me from a selfish, immature, angsty yet introverted young kid to a more open, more matured, still emotional but not that angsty teenager. I've benefitted loads as a person, as a friend and as a leader by interacting with Christian friends, understanding the way Christianity works. Adventure Quest, one of our major competitions, aims to promote bonding and the essence of teamwork and perserverence in order to reach our goals. The aim of BB is not to turn everyone into Christians, but to use Christian values, the faith of God to teach and to infuse the character that we should possess in our daily lives. We often see this lacking nowadays in many students. Lack of respect, lack of moral courage, lack of basic discipline. BB helps. Lots.
At the end of the day, BB is still based on two pillars: Christian Education and Disipline. Therefore, yea, we do have religious activities, like prayers and such. Evangelism will occur, but its not forced upon. If u want to reject, no one foreces you to go to church and stuff. we just spread the goodwill of Chrisitianity, our faith. When Boys feel uncomfortable with the Christian part of BB, he can choose to quit. So far, i've onli known of one person who has. Everyone else stayed because they understand the objectives and aims of BB. "The Object of The Boys' Brigade shall be the advancement of Christ's Kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends towards a true Christian Manliness. "
(mind u, not "turn everyone into Christians, but the promotion of the values one can learn from Christianity")
The purpose of my post today is to explain wat we do in BB to give a clearer idea to ppl. Hopefully everyone has a clearer idea now. Phew...
he left a mark
Saturday, October 08, 2005
@ 11:33 PM
hehe, juz feel like posting the cars my parents've owned so far. =P
1992-1993: Toyota Corolla. (all info unkown. i din know abt it then)
1996: First car. Honda Civic EXi SBW4545Z red. manufactured in 1992. 1.5litre
1999: First Continental Car. Rover 412SLi. SCM6218X red. manufactured 1996. 1.6litre
2001: First First-hand car. Nissan Sunny Super Saloon. SDG6298X red 1.6litre
2003: Honda Civic VTi SDY2083T 1.6litre champagne gold (current)
2005: First 2.0litre car Subaru Legacy SGA/SGB ---- - Sleek Black (awaiting arrival)
whee!! kewl! i love cars! =D
dang... brother's down with high fever... =(
he left a mark
@ 8:31 PM

Look at this manz, look at this. My dad juz signed the contract to purchase a Subaru legacy 2.0i, sleek black. I'M VERY VERY HAPPY! WOOT! This car rox la! and its black somemore! my parents finally gave in and said black looked good! hehe! after so many weeks, the deal is on. car number plate'd most probably be SGA. or SGB at most. whee! McIntosh sound system (worth $4000). the bass rox! i'll listen to Firefly very often in my new car! this car's been my family's choice car, coz it looks real good, the interior is so comfy and stylish! and my dad can chiong more in it! (btw, my mum chiongs faster in e car. hehe!) woot! rox rox rox! i cant wait for mid nov! oso got french immersion! (((=
he left a mark
Friday, October 07, 2005
@ 7:52 PM
woah... juz now i was playing NFSU 2 to chill out. then there was this very very long street circuit race. at the start, (as usual), the other cars used turbo and overtook me. somehow, my mind suddenly turned this whole race into a metaphor for an aspect of my life. The sudden angst and adrenaline juz got pumped into me. it was somehow like a mixture of anger at the lack of performance, determination to win and to beat the crap outta e other opponents. each time i overtook 1 car, there was this odd sense of sadism (its not sadism, but i cant find e word to put it right) that made me purposely hit the other car at an angle so it would spin out. at each successful attempt, there'd be this sense of happiness in me... at each failed attempt or each crash i made with the road cars, that jolt of furiosity and pain juz went thru me. It din juz happen to one race, but all e races i raced today. then when i'd overtaken all cars, taken e lead, boosted my turbo, it felt good. i won. it felt real good. a great sense of satisfaction, accomplishment, and that sort of happiness. a sort of seemingly evil, but definately justified and good happiness. is my metaphor to tt particular aspect of my life realli so accurate? issit realli liddat? i think it is. there's this agreement, the kind of relaxed feeling when my body expresses wat it feels like expressing, i can feel inside my body as i'm typing this out. I think i've always been very competitive. but never, and i stress NEVER, had the thirst for success, the thirst of being THE ONE to win ever been so great, so overwhelming, so powerful that its surrounding my whole body, adding turbo to myself, pushing me on. i doubt most of u will get wat i mean in this post. maybe all. i can no longer find comfort in juz expressing myself now. i can't. i'll take action to fulfil it. here i come.
he left a mark
Thursday, October 06, 2005
l @ 9:46 PM
general elections are coming! general elections are coming! for the first time since Dr. Balakrishnan took over, he came for house visits! and he wished me all e best for my exams too! =D shd my parents vote for him? i think y not. he's done a much better job than my previous MP. xD
he left a mark
@ 8:08 PM
argh... curve sketching pop quiz... goner... sheeesh... =( den i realised i din bring my french immersion program form to school! recess, chionged my nasi lemak in 3min! tot i was late for e meeting, and turned out i was earli! i nearly vommitted from all e gulping lorz... >.< and in e end, ms tang din even meet us at all!!! *curses* had to cancel SS with si en and zhao all e way back home to get my form, and zhao back to newton. XX geoff and i met jie there. well, after nearly 3mths, finally met her! tall, fair, pretty... yea... a lil awkward at first. i mean, yea. its liddat aint it? jie's so bubbly and happy-go-lucky kind! always smiling. ((= found out DELF registration should not hv been available today, but they opened it for us anyway, so yay! xD so after submitting, went to submit french immersion program form too! then on e mrt, both times, jie and i jus listened repeatedly to firefly! xD tried to record her voice, but couldnt la... hehe! after CTs. after CTs.
302days to go! lalalaa! ((((=
he left a mark
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
@ 10:28 PM
"steaks are to men as chocolates are to women" -What Men Want
Doesn't this make me a bisexual? >.<''
he left a mark
@ 10:05 PM
YYYEESSS!!!! COE PRICES ARE DOWN BY FOUR THOUSAND BUCKS FOR CAT B!!! MY DAD CAN BUY A NEW CAR LE!!! WHEEE!!!! ok. i HOPE he buys one. he was grinning from ear to ear juz now. i know he'll try his best to get e Subaru Legacy, onli failing which will he resort to the better financial planned, tho more expensive Honda Accord. I WANT THE NEW CAR!!!! xD
he left a mark
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
@ 10:45 PM
sianz... CTs next Fri start le... i'm like very behind mugging schedule... >.<>.<
*steam pouring out everywhere from a red face and a burnt brain*
he left a mark
Monday, October 03, 2005
@ 7:46 PM

WOOT! my perfect dream car. Lamborghini Murciélago Roadster. A BEAUTY! the pictures still arent nice enuff. if u've seen e real thing, u'll be BLOWN AWAY! its so sporty, so aggresive, yet so subdued, so romantic, so warm. Mind u, this car costs around $1.3million. Downpayment $300,000. i said DREAM car. xD i'd juz love the 2 of us juz driving around in this car in my fullerton dream. relaxed when i want, and i wanna feel the rush of air, juz pump the accelerator! WHEE!!! and definately some music! after first seeing it last dec at e motorshow, I juz bought the model car for this on Sunday. its not often that i lay my sights on a model car and immediately wanna buy it! =D
he left a mark
Sunday, October 02, 2005
@ 11:52 PM

this is me when i was... 5! at Genting! xD i dun wanna look at those fotos when i was 8-11. i nearly vomitted juz now. >.<
he left a mark
Saturday, October 01, 2005
@ 6:41 PM
let me calculate how far i jogged today...
Time taken:
4xbusindre reels = 3x4min33sec = 18min3sec
1x Dragostea Din Tei = 3min34sec
1.3km = 3min34sec + half of busindre = 3min17sec
= 6min 50sec
therefore, distance run = 21min 37sec / 6min50sec
= approx. 3.2km
3.2km in 21min............ OMG PATHETIC!!!! i used to to 4.8-5km in tt timing! wah lau... wat did sinus and a 5wk break do to my lungs... MUST TRAIN MUST TRAIN MUST TRAIN... GRRR...
but i must say busindre reel is very good in giving me adrenaline! thinking of AQ, that my band is playing busindre reel non-stop to encourage my AQ team to keep pushing and pushing and pushing... ahhh... beautiful! those were the days where spirits were always high, encouragement, brotherhood, support, spirit peaked BB 60th. Those are the days that are coming. AQ2006. Vengeance is 60th. watch out. i'm in gorilla mode once again. (x
he left a mark
@ 3:39 PM
whee! did stg real stupid today. i think. 3pm, after waking up groggily, i take my tau huay (soy bean curdle), pour 1 big spoon of milo into it, stir and stir, and put in freezer for 10min. then i eat it. (not) surprisingly, it tastes quite good! but its real high energy! i betta go jog later. =P
French exam is OVER! still got DELF A2. XX saw jie! wah... veh veh tall! juz stands out (literally and technically) above all other RG gers. din get to meet due to circumstances but heck, there's always another time. =D i spent quite a bit of money yesterday, drinking ice chocolate fr Coffee Bean, eating this eating tt. xD Shopping, as in juz walking around looking at stuff, is quite relaxing! veh effective for shan shan xin! shall do tt often after CTs end! hehe!
tt nite, read harry potter. i managed to finish the book. its a very beautiful book, coz its real vivid and brings lots of emotions and imagination in! Dumbledore's death, Ginny loving Harry etc etc brought about this powerful theme of "Love" in this book. and there's the hatred against Snape, Voldemort. ahh... read till 2am... >.< but hey, its stg i aint done in ages! and there was u accompanying me thru sms! ((= both of us whose lights gave up on us. (x
Don't tag vulgarities or anything crude on my tagboard. i HATE it. seriously. whenever i see some vulgar words or such (nowadays, i know i used to do tt last time), it brings about this aura of evilness or wateva kinda feeling into me. disgusting.
307 days to go! mug hard to clear this final hurdle! (((=
he left a mark