Tuesday, November 29, 2005
@ 7:56 PM
i can juz throw a printer down a HDB, kill someone and laugh over it rite now. TRY ME
he left a mark
Monday, November 28, 2005
@ 5:34 PM
new hairtstyle. xD not realli new larz, juz a new haircut. yea. and today was DELF. think i die for comprehension orale, but the orale was surprisingly good! the teacher, Bernadette, was very nice and lenient! i felt no sense of panic at all when i went in the examination room. i dun think i spoke very well at all, but she gave me full marks for first section, onli deducted 1 mk for 2nd section and she apparantly was very pleased with my 3rd section! kept saying "très bien très bien!!!" whee!!! =D and i guess simin and geoff did very well too. (((=
for those who dun take french, do me a favour, will u? dun ctrl c ctrl v the text below into a translator and read it for you own pleasure. thanx. thanx to those who'll understand me and realli accede my request. fine for those who'll heck about it...
et tu partiras demain. c'est 13jours. 13 jours de tritesse et doleur. 3jours et je suis presque devenu fou, c'est 13 jours. 13 longue jours de souffrir. je sais que je suis supposé de n'ai pas de sentiments, je suis supposé de ne sens rien. mais j'ai réalisé que c'est trop difficile. tu me fais sourire, tu me fais heureuse, tu me donnes le sentir comme je suis la personne la plus chanceuse au monde. je sais que tu n'as pas de sentiment, probablement penses que je perds mon temps. tous le temps quand ma telephone portable sonne, je souhaite et espere qu'il est toi. s'il est, je saute pour la joie! s'il n'est pas toi, mon visage tourner comme ça -> )))= encore, tu probablement riras à moi pour ça. qui suis moi? personne. personne. personne. non, jusque un ami. peut-être un meilleur ami, mais jusque un ami. quel pense-moi? mais je ne jusque l'aide pas. c'est mon vie. c'est moi. c'est jusque mes sentiments. désolé. très désolé....
he left a mark
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Irish boosted aphrodisiatic frenzy!!! @ 12:26 AM
argh. i'll skip blogging abt AQ and band today. nth compared to tonite!!! xDxDxD yea, we went to city hall after band. geoff, me, anyi, mel and simin jiejie! so we went like LJS for french. did some practice and stuff. mel, study! (x yupp! den geoff had to go off... arghz. like wth, bro? nvm. den after tt marché! simin onli ate ice cream?? goodness... mel oso (she had dinner at home... and nvr got to eat it) anyi and i ordered a pork sausage (me!) rosti, i ordered a dory fillet and she ordered a grilled fish with salad?? yumm! ok, we were kinda full, den mel suggested ice-cube. some ice-cream pub, at serangoon gardens. okie lorz. sounds kewl eh? SET! hehe! then we went HMV on e way in citylink. the deco at marina is nicer den orchard's!!! awww!! =p anyi and mel sooo conscious of their height! hmm... nvm. simin and i are naturally taller. and she's like real tall with mel's heels! xD so we gt to serangoon mrt, den took 317 to serangoon circus. i got simin addicted to moi lolita!!! xD juz sent the song over. =D anyway, when we reached, i kinda found serangoon gardens very pubbish, like holland v? or thailand, as i commented there.
yea, then we entered ice-cube. mmhmm, and got into a lounge kinda couch seat. looked thru e menu... simin and mel chose bayley's irish cream. anyi got bubble apple tea? real tongue twister! i looked thru... and saw this "Chocolate Aphrodisiac". sounds kewl, okie lorz! btw, the ice-cream comes with a test-tube of liquor, specially suited to the ice-cream. chocolate aphrodisiac! xD so we ordered. and the ice-cream came one by one. after the first-helping, mel got realli realli high! like DRUNK! but like, huh? liddat drunk?? then she pointed to us and laughed incoherently! so farnie can!!! then she said "i want another helping!!" we were like "NO!!!" to test her soberness, i asked "which is correct? se coucher or coucher? je me lave or je te lave?" and yada yada. u know. xD verdict: she's drunk. Then she made me order a "Chocolate Booster!" oh my son! chocolate BOOSTER. anyi saying it so nicely made us roar in laughter! then mel realli looked very drunk! she was laughing every single moment! goodness! i think fr 8-10.30 we were there right, we were laughing non-stop! then mel started concocting drinks and when anyi and i decided to try and look serious and play "chee, ko, pah" , she said "u said CHEEKOPEH!!!' *FAINTS* and i said "je veux coucher!" pourquoi, je ne me rappelle pas... =p ok, the table next to us were irritaed i think. but heck la! we're there to have fun! hehe! then anyi was like trying to get me to order the "mocha frenzy" for mel (4th test-tube of liquor. we order the magic potion, i eat ice-cream, mel drinks liquor) so that she can move her seat next to simin while i sit next to mel!!! simin and i were like "NOO". xD the ambience was beautiful, the food was beautiful and the ppl were beautiful! nice place to chill-out manz! (((=
finally, we decided to get our lazy-bums off the place at 10.30, highh, crazy and tipsy! took 317 to a stop where mel tot was near simin's hse. cos it was like 11pm le, so i tot betta accompany them home, just in case. >.< yea. then walk and walk still cant find!! we walked like 45min lorz. den simin was like "er... i seem to remember this place... non?" xD i juz hummed "hakuna mattatta" to keep the mood light! hehe! then she got home! finally! jie's safe!!! (((= then mel's dad came to fetch us to bishan mrt. and then anyi's dad fetched me home. so nice!!! they were all very nice! i was scared they get ideas cos a guy's with their daughter. nth happened! hehe! =D
now i'm slightly dizzy, tipsy, but HIGHH!!! today was reall realll fun non?? (((= we shall hv our future french lessons at ice-cube!!! Irish boosted chocolate aphrodisiatic frenzy, anyone??? (x i'm real real happpyyyy!!!!
jie and i came up with our own idea for ice-cream pub: "la glace français!" très frois, non?
he left a mark
Thursday, November 24, 2005
@ 3:35 PM
omg.... i think pachelbel's cannon's gonna take me the whole hols at least... its reallli realli quite tedious, the chords and rhythm, esp when its somewhat a lil different from the one i've always been listening to. >.< gonna go continue mastering it later. phew! *sweats*
doing hw hw hw. real sian larz. cant they give us the whole hols to pursuit wat we wanna learn? be it art, music, gaming, culture, watever, its still a good learning experience! instead, we're stuck with TRIGO. REDOX. BOOK REVIEW. HONG2 LOU2 MENG4. DELF. *curses*
back to mugging. i cant even concentrate for goodness' sakes! wat kind of holiday and recuperation is it if we cant even do it in peace? relax a bit, feeling better, den "OMG, TRIGO TEST!" "OMG, REDOX TEST!" "OMG, HERE THERE EVERYWHERE" -____________________-"
he left a mark
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
@ 11:14 PM
woot! today was quite a nice day! AQ jogging at first. i was pushing myself a lil bit more den i shd leh, i think cos i did 6day consecutive training and alpine pass yesterday... >.< but it felt good larz. i mean, yea, the strain feels good somehow. haha. then went to pipe. longkuan and i onli. so we kinda talked quite a bit. felt nice! =) then jappy came and we talked and practiced bagpipe. i think cos i slept so late/earli last nite and i was physically exhausted, i felt very lathargic and such larz. but the SOP cannot be neglected. =D lunched le, went to meet sheila at tiong bahru for my chocs. not my chocs, but well, mine for the moment. =p and i smartly forgot to pay her! luckily i went to meet her again later, to bring her to esplanade, so i paid, and onli to find out her fren knows how to go to esplanade. *faints* nvm. then met anyi at bugis. got her to help me get my shirt. bugis nth! so we went to heeren. t
hen i learnt some disgusting facts... shall not say. its damn yux. argh. and then saw some teenagers with survey-like forms and an Indian lady i often see selling tissue there raising a hoolabaloo. then the guy teenager was real vulgar. goodness sakes. have singaporeans no manners? he juz used the vulgarities like they are his onli vocab... siaoness... at heeren still couldnt find a shirt! but this shop kinda struck me. the salesgirl was very er... as anyi says, "cute". she kept calling me "bro" and like asking me how's e shirt lorz. nice service! but i'm juz not used to being served by so many ppl oso lorz. its... weird. awkward la. but i think i step into shops more boldy then i used to, after being"trained" by anyi and sheila and mich. xD then we we went to Esprit, then cine. my stomach grumbled like siao. so we went to OG without success... then meridian for dinner. we din intend it to be dinner la, juz a simple high-tea. but it was filling! i had laksa, and anyi had ban mian... hehe!
then PS. we decided to watch Zathura! so anyi bought ticks while i went to get my Pachabel's Canon in D score. FOUND IT! hah! then watched Zathura. again i went in with coke. Again, nature called. >.< Zathura is like horror and comedy at e same time lorz! nt bad! movie quality is finally increasing. =D and it kinda taught me how to be a good brother. thinking of the way i treat my siblings sometimes, yea, i needa care more.
then after movie, we went to Yamaha again to find for "Memory"! and we found it! with Amigos Paras Sempre! so kewl!!! and anyi said she'll get it for my christmas present, sharing with some others... so nice!!! Anyi! tell me wat u want for Christmas leh.... pai seh... >.< then we saw backstreet boys oso! $41.50. i'll need to start saving up for songs like "as long as you love me" and "the one". hehe! we were so reluctant to leave Yamaha when it closed cos so many nice songs there! we even wanted to buy the whole shop down... xD
then walked around to look for my shirt and her nail buffer somemore, but we kept talking and talking so i guess our concentration on items was onli 10%. i was alrdy thinking maybe buy another day la, but anyi insisted on looking. getting desperate, we went to U2. saw this shirt. at first i din care abt it. budden we were desperate as i said, den its onli $39 (others sell $70-80), so i tried it on. it looked good! if i unbotten the pocket buttons la. and it fit! and its cheap! so i bought it! yayy! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! anyi got wat she wanted to! except her jeans, which she said she'll buy another day cos she lazy to buy... xD
saw cheeks with a nice hairstyle, which he got at klearcut at fareast, so anyi's accompanying me to cut my hair there on sat! hope it works out well... *prays fervently* and she said she'll take me to eat niu rou mian... wonder if its good... =D
Tomorrow i've got whole day at home! gonna SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP! like a medium-grilled pig! ((=
and fri! french lessons! at esplanade! so artistically appropriate rite? den shopping and dinner! haha!
sat! haircut!
sun: supposed to be boatride. cancelled le... hmmm...
he left a mark
Moi Lolita @ 1:19 PM
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Lo ou bien Lola
Du pareil au même
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Quand je rêve aux loups
C'est Lola qui saigne
Quand fourche ma langue,
j'ai là un fou rire aussi fou
Qu'un phénomène
Je m'appelle Lolita
Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes
C'est pas ma faute
Et quand je donne ma langue aux chats
Je vois les autres
Tout prêts à se jeter sur moi
C'est pas ma faute à moi
Si j'entends tout autour de moi
Hello, helli, t'es A (L.O.L.I.T.A.)
Moi Lolita----Me Lolita
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Collégienne aux bas
Bleus de méthylène
Moi je m'appelle Lolita
Coléreuse et pas
Mi-coton, mi-laine
Motus et bouche qui n'dis pas
À maman que je suis un phénomèneJ
e m'appelle Lolita
Lo de vie, lo aux amours diluviennes
Me, I'm called Lolita Lo or just Lola
That's all the same Me,
I'm called Lolita
When I consider my mistakes
It's Lola who has to bleed
When I make a slip of the tongue,
I have An elated laugh also elated
As a phenomenon
I'm called Lolita
Lo for spirit, Lo for a diluvial love
It's not my mistake
And if I want to quit I see the others
All ready to throw themselves upon me
It's not my own mistake
If I hear everything around me
Hello, helli, you're A (L.O.L.I.T.A.)
Me Lolita
Me, I'm called Lolita Student below Tight jeans
Me, I'm called Lolita Quick-tempered and not
Half-cotton, half-wool Silent and a mouth that doesn't tell
Mum that I Am a phenomenon
I'm called Lolita Lo for spirit, Lo for diluvial love
Guys who fall for this kinda girl realli quite unlucky seh.. >.< but the song's nice! =)
he left a mark
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
@ 10:55 PM
wanted to blog ages ago. but i ended up talking to pri sch frens! hehe! so anyway no christmas songs for a while k? i'm in love with this song... =p
he left a mark
Sunday, November 20, 2005
@ 7:17 PM
yesterday was my granny's bdae!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! xD anyway, after the celebration lunch, amandus and i went to watch harry potter. CAUTION: do NOT enter the cinema with any sort of beverage. i went in with a cup of coke, nature called 1hr after e show started, and i resisted till the show ended. absolutely torturous. especially since the movie is so funny and exciting and horrifying. >.< 2hr 37min. i have bladder disorder now. other than that, the show's excellent. xD
last nite i had this nightmare. its nt a nightmare in the ghostly or spiritual sense. just simply a nightmare. i can remember the details so freaking vividly. the thing is, i'm not even supposed to be having this kind of nightmares anymore cos i'm supposed to totaly forget abt it... ARGH... ='( but when i woke up, it was like kinda torturous, tormenting... haish...
anyway, today my mum met her pri sch classmate, who has been out of contact for 23yrs! so nice! then went sakae sushi for lunch. yumm!!! havent been there fr ages.
think my boat ride next sunday's gonna be cancelled cos no-one wants to go!!! ahhhh!! my banana boat ride! y today so sad one...
he left a mark
Friday, November 18, 2005
@ 10:43 PM
ok, read zach's blog. saw my name. have to do this quiz.actuali, dn hv to. but i feel like it. i'm feeling SPASTIC!! *crazy bonker heads*
Rules of the game:
1) Post 5 weird or random facts about yourself.
2) At the end, write the names of 5 people whom you want to do this quiz, then tag in their blog to leave them a note to tell them to see your blog.
ok, here goes.
1) i can nose bleed twice in 1 day, 6 times in 4 wks. CAN YOU?! WAHAHA! (dun follow me, i think i gotta see doctor soon liao. xD)
2) i'm VAIN. Seriously. and u know wat. i think vain ppl are ugly. so i'm ugly. xD
3) i'm shy yet extroverted, damn serious yet damn crazy, damn lazy (now is tt 3 facts or 1?)
4) I LUV LUV LUV BOYS BRIGADE! (now doesnt my blog say it all?)
5) (thought fr 1hr)... je m'appelle Yong Yong Qian (=D)
ok, now for the lucky 5. MUAHAHA!!!
*drumrolls* ANYI, SHEILA, LAMZY, VAL, HIL (chose the blogs i read more often. tho there are many others dat i read very very often! xD)
done with post. =D
he left a mark
@ 7:24 PM
parents were talking to me abt my priorities last nite... they're very pissed that i have to go out for BB courses and events every single day. they were even telling me "YOU GO FOR SO MUCH BB AH, I TELL YOUR TEACHERS TO MAKE YOU QUIT BB AND BAND!!!" I was like ?!!!!!! Me? Quit BB and Band?! u kidding?! haish... heck. i muz continue to work for BB!
yea, i know, i shouldnt hv done tt. very wrong of me... >.< as a leader, muz set priorities straight. i guess i duno y i became so muddle-headed larz... tired? sian? haish, i definately will apologize to everyone... sorry...
he left a mark
Thursday, November 17, 2005
@ 8:37 PM
whee! this morning woke up, more refreshed, cos gt 10hours of sleep! tho i was still veh tired... then went tiong bahru meet sheila and mich. haha, called them, sms them den wondering how come no one... then they came over, claiming they shouted at me but i nvr hear them cos i was blasting Busindre Reel on my neeon! xD anyway, we went to cathay, thinking we'd watch oliver twist. budden in e end we ended up watching Just Like Heaven! haha! it was a good choice for a movie! more romance then comedy, but its very beautiful! no guns, no violence, juz mere simple life movie. its like eating in all the high-class restaurants, da yu da rou (meat and fish), then settling in a hawker centre to sample hawker fare. magnificent! =D i think i nearly teared la. the guy made so many sacrifices for the girl, ahh... love is beautiful... =') (correct smiley) then we came out and decided to shop! saw this guy from our sch's bball with a girl. den dunno y he always like wanna siam me. haha! we saw these nice nice christmas cds and other cds at sembawang, but no money. so mich and i decided next time den come and buy. hehe! thenn we went heeren, ripcurl to look at the shirts. wah, this nice black shirt i wanted to buy for company dinner and future use. budden its $69! wah seh.... hoping to find cheaper ones.. >.<>.< by this time, i onli had $0.55 left in my wallet. goodness! wanted to shop more, but... NHT! then on e way to dhoby ghaut, kena stomachache. wah seh!!! arghz. so reached there late. haish. ok la, today's tour. hehe, with NOG experience, got more exp to conduct tours. after tt went lan with them, joel had to pay for my lan, so i return him money e next time i see him, which shd be tml. wah seh! dragon knight is nt bad! jared help me lorz. i noob. XX
okie, tml's french lesson and band. goodness me. muz go and do hol hw! GG
he left a mark
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
@ 8:19 PM
today, AQ briefing, den band prac. the Rolls Royce parts for the Mitsubishis have arrived! omega drone reeds on our pipes. WHEE! we all so excited lorz! (i nt tt excited cos my pipe oredy hv omegas. =p) then went NHT lorz. veh ki siao la. the gallery centre is at dhoby ghaut, but some ppl were informed city hall, so we went fr dhoby ghaut to city hall, onli to walk nearly all e way back to dhoby ghaut. tmd.
anyway, my right side of right foot veh pain, cos my mosquito bite turned into a large pus-filled blister. wah lauz, whole day couldnt walk properly. torture. so my dad "performed operation" by using needle to poke thru and squezing the pus out. not pain at all. but he like pinching my mosquito bite liddat. alamak. xD
he left a mark
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
@ 10:47 PM
u know...dun u find it super super irritating and infuriating when u're in a nice good mood, and den u do stg that u rarely do onli when u're in a good mood, and ur mum comes in and scolds the crap outta u? real sao xing lorz! tmd. now i'm turning into a bad mood too... ARGH
he left a mark
@ 8:02 PM
woot! had quite a nice day today! well, a beautiful day i can imagine! hehe! went to kayak with my dear couzzie! tsk tsk! she had a hidden identity today! so kewl! xD went to kallang river! it was like pouring. den i saw these 4 quite chio sportsgals. they went to take taxi to their training area! i mean, xin miao and i recreation walk in e rain. they sportsppl take taxi?? goodness.. anyway, we went tehre and there was no one! so i was lke... "goodness... so weird, later they dun allow us kayak how?" but then we went inside, and we even could rent 2 single kayaks!! kudos to PA! =D they gave us the light red coloured kayak, which my BB snrs always tell me half of them capsize when they try getting in. (i've seeen them attempt to enter and fall into e water like some comic comedy) it was real light! but we din capsize at all... haha! it was quite diff to steer tho (ok, those who know how to kayak DONT go and gloat on my tagboard) i like paddle once then spin 360deg! den xm always go off course! the first 10min was damn farnie! oh yea, we had the WHOLE river to ourselves! except for 4dragonboats, that din get near us at all. sooo fun! juz paddle wherever we want, stop whenever we want and talk. so we kayaked and talked and kayaked and talked. i tot i'd go there to exercise my muscles. but we went there to let our hearts out! sooo beautiful! "kayaking gym" since we couldnt go straight, we decided to twirl around! so i'd juz let myself turn, and have fun trying to AVOID collision! xD then the final 45min or so, we juz paddled to e centre of the river, den let the calm waves carry us around. and we talked. and talked. and talked... ahh... so kewL! SHUANG! (=
then after tt, changed out, then went suntec for lunch. i cant believe it, i din know there was a swensens there! budden we went swensens for lunch! my set meal has soup, drink and ice cream so i let xm hv my free drink (membership card). hehe! i think many ppl today thought xm and i hving BGR or stg. lots of ppl keep giving the "u in relationship ah?" stare.... ayohz! the whole swensens restaurant were full of business ppl lorz. onli xm and i were the cousins there. xD
then had to go off... haish! i wanted to stay and help xm with her accessories for prom on thurs. nvm. dang. so went to esplanade. scared i may be late, so i SMARTLY took bus 75 instead of 106 since it came first. then it turned into padang. no problem, it does. AND INTO SHENTON WAY!!!! i panicked. how the heck do u get fr shenton way to botanic gardens?! crap! then i started calling nat. nvr pick up. but i calmed myself down by teling myself i knew nat boarded 75 from botanic gardens. and it did go there. after shenton way, outram road, BB HQ!!! and then into grange road. PHEW! i got there 1min after Mr. Wong. then was like panicking cos i din know half e stuff. surprisingly, i think i did a MUCH MUCH better job today then i did with e grp of 13girls. maybe cos this grp smaller or stg. and i managed to find my way around today. haha! he's roped in junda and i to be associate trainers for Naturalist course. so anyone wants a tour at National Orchid Gardens? i'll gladly be at ur service. xDDDD
tml band in e morn, afternn NHT. thurs morning movie with sheila and mich, den NHT. Friday french lesson, den band. phew! sat i think granny's bdae or stg! haha! YAYY!!! ever wish i were someone else? NAH
he left a mark
Sunday, November 13, 2005
@ 1:26 PM
phew! after thurs, i've been bz like siao working for e band. our band's decided to join the pipes and drums festival on 10th dec as a band to compete! therefore, we have to slog our guts out these few weeks to practice for it! SUPPORTERS ARE ALL WELCOME! =D and then i've come up with many many initiatives after the meeting with officers on saturday. lots of stuff to do, lots of stuff to prepare. phew! being a BM is not easy... well, neither is it being a CSM. i think geoff's having it much harder. u could see geoff and i juz like dragging our feet wherever we went on fri. =S well, sat was better fr geoff. i onli managed to pump myself up after a long nap and a satisfactory piece of work done. =p ok, geoff and i gave anyi and mel tuition for french. ok, i kept demanding a change of seat for the better good of someone else but that someone juz din understand/din want/ din care (nah). then again, i'm not supposed to be doing this. okie. wateva. xD
my dad is real nice lorz. brought me to coffee club today for breakfast! the food there is, tho real delicious, real expensive lorz! but he still let me order my fav coffee club breakfast set. then i was like "hmm.... i wonder how the iced mocha vanilla here tastes like", he immediately ordered it. i was like "pa, dun need la! $6.80 leh!" he juz smiled at me. wah... the mocha, already a notch above that of other coffee outlets, seemed to taste even better... (=
CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!! i'm so happy! ok, i love the orchard lights, the christmas songs! whee!!! (((= ok, stop blogging. start doing work. >.< sooooooooooooooooooooooo sianzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....... perk me up, someone?
he left a mark
Thursday, November 10, 2005
@ 10:52 PM

yayy! finally! my photos appear on e blog... ^^" today was real real fun! i was kinda late, so anyi and geoff met up first. den we shopped and shopped till we dropped! ok, breakfast first. den suntec, marina square, citylink, bus to orchard. taka. sheila joined us there. den lots of things happened la! haha. buy buy buy, i brought $100, anyi brought $4! i had to lend her rael load of money lorz. lunch for me was POPCORN! xD flightplan was a lil boring at first, but it was for a major climatic build-up in e end, which was nice! den we went heeren to shop! shop shop shop, den go tiong bahru plaza, rajah steamboat or stg lidat fr dinner! $6.80 per pax onli! so cheap! and veh delicious! den accompanied anyi to j. east b4 coming back home. so nice today! ahh... i feel contented! hehe! oh thnx sheila for the nice presents! and geoff anyi and sheila for e realli nice day out! (= i came back with $5 left in my wallet. anyi, return me my $20+! i spent e rest on a cd and some christmas presents. =p
he left a mark
@ 12:21 AM
i admit defeat. i'm battered up down left right in out north south east west. give me the final blow. GIVE IT TO ME. juz kill me manz. (not as in, i die la) blood' probably spurt out 10months after i "die", but isnt it better that way den i stand in the way? isnt it better? i'm feeling lots of pain and torture right now anyway. i'm offering the knife. DO IT
he left a mark
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
@ 9:37 PM
BACK FROM CAMP! no sandfly-bites! onli mosquitoes! phew! wont leave a mark on my legs. hehe! so much to talk at for the camp lorz, but i like real tired. ok, shall do some accounting tml IF i have time la. i've been doing BB and band stuff since camp ended... cleared BB rm, piped, settled NCO retreat dates, band admin, band cupboard... *YYYAAAWWWWNNNNSSSS!!!!*
-2hrs pause-
forgeddit, i cant be bothered to blog... too... confused and tired and.... incoherent. yea. shall blog abt camp soon. =)
he left a mark
Sunday, November 06, 2005
@ 4:56 PM
tml going CCAL camp. wun be back till wed afternoon. juz keep e smses coming and i'll reply asap! (not that i receive tt many...)
i go blog surfing, and i see lots and lots of RG gers' blogs saying "i love ro(n)in". my gawd... i cant believe it... nvm.
he left a mark
Saturday, November 05, 2005
@ 7:01 PM
i shall dedicate this post to my bolsters. seriously, since young, i realli dun think i can do without it... dunno wat will happen when i go to army but nvm, that's in 4yrs time. no, 3. >.< i remember when i used to live in Bishan, i had this 70cm bolster and 1 bean-shelled one. i loved the bean shelled one cos its soft and cuddly! (juz like my bro and his pillow now). den when we moved to Ghim Moh, i was so sad cos somehow, i'd lost my cuddly bolster! den my dad had to go to buy another 70cm one for me... den in 2000, my mum was in carrefour and wanted to buy a 70cm one for my sis. she was 3 at tt time and din want it, so it became mine too! =p now the one bought when we moved house is for my legs and the one bought at carrefour is the one i hug every night cos its juz so soft and silky and nice to hug! i juz love to cuddle it! makes me feel so relaxed at nite... then i've this used-to-be tree-trunk like bolster tt my dad bought cos he tot i'd grown out of smaller bolsters. i hated it cos its not nice to hug! brainwave and VOILA! its my footrest at nite! xD i still love my soft, cuddly bolster! okok, i think u peeps are prob gonna laugh at me now. nvm, give that someone special to u a hug today! its beautiful! *HUGGS!* ((=
a hug is a beautiful thing! u can give it and get one back, u can make someone's life brighter with that hug, and it makes 2ppl's life sweeter without it being a health hazard! WHEE!!!
i tot i said its a post dedicated to my bolsters. nvm. i love them cos i love to hug them! ((=
he left a mark
Friday, November 04, 2005
@ 10:09 PM
*yawns*... i think God realli is trying to give me an answer to my problems. First, there was this talk on failure by our year head. tho it was not much, it made me reflect a lil on this yr. haish. cant say much la. board of censorship works on public and personal lives... then band. well, today i kinda opened up a lil. in a sense i myself was kinda playing arnd. and it felt quite fun... dang. i'll see... xD
then we went to terrence's church. at first, it was quite a repeat of many sermons and talks i've been too. then, stg in me juz... opened up. yea, i'd been quite troubled by various events previously, so i guess it was a time to let go. and let go i did. and everybody too... realli felt e power of God in me. great manz. juz came out feeling so refreshed and rejuvinated. then went taka with geoff zach max lam. to eat macs ice cream. and 5min of lego playing. -_-"...
anyway, this entry took me more den 1hr cos i was listening to jin qu jiang. darn. i shd hv gone. lam oso lamenting. so many nice songs. nxt yr muz go. MUST...
oh yea, i'm in CHRISTMAS MOOD! bagpiping today, mdm yvonne gave lots of nice nice christmas songs! greensleeves, ode to joy, joy to e world, lil drummer boy... etc.. shall start changing blog songs to christmas songs too, and i know u'll like it even more! S club 7 rox too! ^^
takkaire k? get well soon! wanna see ur radiant n' beautiful smile again! ((((=
he left a mark
@ 12:55 AM
i nose bled again. in the bathroom again. while washing face again. bathroom looked like murder scene again. tasted blood again. i think i'm gonna die of nose-bleeding someday... bleah... >.<
*yawns*... back to sleep...
he left a mark
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
@ 8:26 PM
Handphone Woes:
My whole family hates it when our phones dont ring for calls or sms. but for very different reasons:
Mum: wed, sat,sun. call means she's struck 4D
Dad: every weekend. call means he's going for tea with his frens
Me: everyday. sms (not call) means i've got ppl to talk to!
Sis and bro: Phone DOESN'T ring means toy phone outta batt. >.<
anyway, marks got moderated so my ave is 73.6! whee! my GPA shd be 3.6. they still havent rounded up my SS to 70! if they still dun, my gpa will be 3.56. but i got 69.6, so they shd and will raise it. tmd.
i realli find tong xin yuan quite... bombastic. they dont hv the concept of police, cos if there's such thing as police in the show, there'll be no show for them to make. crazy rite? then the couple like each other, den keep saying i dun like u, u dun like me. TMD. you know how freaking lucky u are to be in love, so juz say "I LOVE YOU" and get into a relationship! grr... weird show..
juz now mum fetched me home. i reclined my seats and omg, they are SOO comfortable! i fell asleep in it!! ahh... SUBARU ROCKS! i think i can go open fan club liao.. wait. its not subaru i like. its LEGACY! =P
anyway, i brought my pipe home. after i click "publish post", i shall start piping. i dun think anyone in my neighbourhood will know its e sound of a bagpipe. WAHAHA! =p
he left a mark
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Nvr Had A Dream Come True -S Club 7 @ 9:13 PM
Everybody's got something they had to leave behind
One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time
There's no use looking back or wondering (or wondering)
How it could be now or neither been (or neither been)
All this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go
I never had a dream come true
Till that day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where love takes me to
A part of me will always be with you
Somewhere in my memory I lost all sense of time
And tomorrow can never be
'Cause yesterday is all that fills my mind
There's no use looking back or wondering
How it should be now or neither been (or neither been)
Oh this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go
You'll always be the dream that fills my head (Yes you will, say you will, you know you will, baby)
You'll always be the one I know (I'll never forget)
There's no use looking back or wondering (or wondering)
Because love is a strange and funny thing
No matter how I try and try I just can't say goodbye No no no no
A part of me will always be with you...
he left a mark
@ 8:52 PM
today went out with parents. somehow, it was quite boring leh... at times... maybe cos i was too tired.. anyway, we went to marche. the food today tasted extra good. hmm, maybe cos i go with parents i dare to order lots of stuff, so we had roasted chicken leg, ham and cheese crepe, fried seafood platter, pizza and root beer. whee! then we went carrefour. wah lauz... so many people! i always like to "drive" the trolley fast and do lots of maneouvring stints. quite diff today lorz. and carrefour's trolleys are extra big and heavy... more inertia... but still had fun "driving" it! xD wanted to buy mint choc but no more, so we bought raisin chocs. those goblet thingies. hehe! on the way back, i suddenly saw this board outside Adidas that said "Customise your shoes" and i saw that u could write ur name on the shoes or stg. i suddenly had an idea, but it was interrupted when i suddenly nose-bled... >.< when i came back fr toilet, my mum gave me a raisin choc. so i ate it. then suddenly, i duno y, i felt like "sucking' the phlegm or stg into my mth cos it was veh uncomfortable. den i tasted... bloody raisin choc. eew... parents den decided to go to marina. so i went and visited everything again... =p i looked around and i think i was prob one of the onli teenagers out with family... others all with grps of frens or with gf/bf. goodness...
oh yea, after getting a new can of kiwi, my boots are shining nicely le! i realli feel proud wearing my BB uniform. i guess its cos it looks smart, and u can realli be proud knowing u put lots of effort in it and its stg tt realli belongs to u. like having a convertible la. xD
he left a mark