Monday, January 30, 2006
@ 3:41 PM
hmm... after all the anger has subsided, i feel quite lowdown for using vulgarities and stuff... i mean like wat's happening to me? >.<>.< so now i'm here, juz blogging? gee man... anyway,oh yea, i've got my mp3 player, shd use it for music. and my hp for essay. like wth i'm alone lorh... and my mum doesnt allow me to touch mahjong tiles to play with my relatievs, unless all are cousins... SIAN DAOOOOOO... (Bryan Wong's famous quote)
yay, i've got so much to do and dun wanna do. good job. :S
he left a mark
Sunday, January 29, 2006
@ 10:59 PM
ayoh.... wat kind of chinese new year is this... first time i've been at home at 10pm larh. and its for a reason i decline to reveal. usually we're bakc home at 12mn... i dun even think we can go to my cousin's hse tml evening... my parents will be given a black face... maybe even me... haishh... doggy, wat's happening to ur year? >.<
he left a mark
Thursday, January 26, 2006
@ 11:00 PM
je veux blogger en Français, i wanna blog in french. i wanna SHOUT OUT LOUD. yupp, lorenzo's oil, i not stupid too, all teaching me lots of lessons... but i feel so tired, so crapped up. 2.30am, 12.30am, 1.30am... i mean like, wat kind of life do i hv man? it consists of BB, band and schooolwork onli. ppl tell me i'm overworked, too bz for my age. not like i dun wanna live a life that's half partying half socializing rite... i dun like having splitting headaches b4 tests, craving for that extra bit of sleep, stressing myself out with ESSAYS ESSAYS AND MORE ESSAYS. history essay, french essay, english essay, chinese essay. dammit! yo bro, think life in a top school is easy, all abt showing off that damned badge i have and telling ppl how kewl it is to be in top schools and get praised? forgeddit man. wanna try to get a gf? forgeddit (no time, no luck) wanna go out for a movie? (yea 1 movie. and half e time i'm thinking of how to do my hw over CHINESE NEW YEAR) wanna have fun? sure! i realli hv fun with words and analysis and homework. oh
how fun!!! wah lau eh! i nearly broke down during french lesson larh. and i havent even started practicing for Chingay yet. and i'm asking all my band members to be prepared. like wtf? i'm so hypocrite? so crazy! so much to do! u ask me how to sleep more, how to take rbeak, how to relax?! jihong larh. bloody hell. . we need to learn how to balance our lives, we need to BREAKS, we need HEALTH BOOSTERS. I NEED A F-ING LIFE DAMMIT. jihong dun come and kau bei me now i tell u. i tell u now how i explode. u provoke me. i smile at u. i show signs of irritation by my speech. u push it further. i cant control, i WONT control. yes, i'm toned down, i no longer get all that emo and violent. but still, i have emotions. FONG the education larh! fong my life larh! screw it! screw up screw down screw left screw right screw in screw out screw the world! i think its the admin part of school larh. i mean, i could see mr. kwa also feeling all stressed up. we were like complaining to each other lahr. its totally CRAP... and dammit its onli wk4 larh. more things to come after CNY. and i'm feeling this way liao. can i still take it? can i stlil hold on? feeling very vexed, feeling very sian, feeling very fed up with life. wat's the point of being in a top school? wat's the point of taking all the subjects, trying to achieve GPA 4, trying to know everything everywhere, trying to find love, trying to improve on my character? I WANNA BE ME. ME. THE REAL YONG YONG QIAN. 杨永谦。Life's a struggle, i juz nvr imagined it to be a torture chamber....
he left a mark
Saturday, January 21, 2006
@ 10:27 PM
this wk has been quite stressful bahz i guess? its like nowadays i'm always tellin myself i shd mug, but in the end i like end up like doing nth or nth constructive... i wanna revise my chinese, my bio, my physics, my math, do my history assignment, read up on my philo on political systems, improve my french and chinese.... ..... ...... but everytime i try to start, i'm distracted AND too tired at e same time. i juz feel that i need a break cos i feel so drained out so often. its like wth? I'M SUPPOSED TO BE MUGGING DAMMIT!!! WANNA SCREW UP MY ACADEMICS IS IT?! *bangs head against the wall* but then i still don't. i'm switching on the comp to be starting on my history assignment (i know its due on wk 7 but i shd start writing it now rite?) hmmm.... lemme plan a to-do list:
finish math circular measure hw (and revise for my math test)
read up on plato's aristocracy (and highlight impt pts for presentation)
read history notes (and take down impt points)
mug for bio lab assignment (nervous system. i shd study myself man. nervous...)
mug for physics quiz (wah lau, i dunno how to mug for kinetic particle theory larh.... and boile's law)
start on history essay
plato's aristocracy... (if i nvr do tonight cos its like nearly 11pm liao)
start practicing for Chingay parade performance
SCHOOL... can mug ah? i'll try larh...
bleah... i realli muz learn from Sheila larh... she's working so hard now for her Os. i seem to have lost muggerism in all senses... feels crap larh... i'm realli worried... why is it so difficult for me to concentrate and do work nowadays? i seem to have lost the ability to think properly.. its like... laziness? fatigue? juz wanna do BB stuff? or wat? bleah... stress? are we stress cos there's realli alot to do or are we stressed cos there's juz a bit to do but we dun even bother to do and in e end cant get that lil bit done? >.<
oh yea. i always read emails saying "if you love the person, nvr hesitate to tell the person ur feelings." and illustrated with a story... budden my past experiences have stated otherwise... u tell e person u like her, and then u kena tortured. isnt it better to keep to urself? u tell e person in e HOPE, utter HOPE, that she'll like u and got happy ending. budden its always opposite. u tell e girl u like her, she gets shock, the barrier comes, she doesnt like u, so in e end it becomes worse. isnt it better not to tell and then juz like her from inside u, so she treats u as a good fren and stuff gets on as normal? but den again wat if she likes u? onli telling her will u find out? but den again, for some of us guys, we're e kind who'll nvr be liked. or we'll be liked, but we're kind of destined to hv onli 1 way loves. sucks man. SUCKS.
i've been repeating my blog song on my media player for 40min now. 5min per time. that's 8times. bloody hell i feel so sucky now... tho i juz had a fun day with the excons! and yesterday's kenny G juz rocked like mad! i mean, he interacted with his audience damn well! started by walking from the back, so we can all get close to him and take photos. he realli knows how to spread the love of music larh! and his songs, all like as old as me, got modified and turned into such beautiful music! got the rocky feeeling, made me groove all the way! if onli i could dance. its so marvellous! his band ppl oso veh pro! the drummer, the bass, the pianist, the guitarist, the precussionist! all rock! the effects were good too! juz absolutely enjoyed it, was the relaxation i needed. felt so "AHH"... juz as if i were back at east coast park... how i miss last night... if only i could turn back time... :'(
i havent changed my blog title and stuff cos i realli aint got time to... cant remember how i changed it anyway. -_-"
now to start on my to-do list. GOGOGO... *slumps into chair*
wat a life.
he left a mark
Monday, January 16, 2006
@ 8:38 AM
haha i'm bloggin in school now during history lesson... i'm real bored and tired... >.< ok this is lame.
he left a mark
Sunday, January 15, 2006
@ 5:21 PM
today went shopping with my parents. yea. got wat i needed, an adidas shirt. yea. but they nag about how much sugar i put in my tea, how i eat my food etc etc! wah lau, den i went to try on my shirt, i entrusted my sis to take care of my wallet and ipod, and 10min later a salesgirl came to me to ask me if the wallet and ipod she found on a bench was mine! GRRR!! u know, in school, schools teach us all the leadership stuff, how to be a leader, how to communicate kind of stuff, den u bring all these mentalities back home. then u start judging ur parents according to how a leader should act, and how u shd act. then with all the complicated teenage life and blah blah blah kicking in, u and ur family'll start being colder.... shyt man... >.< haish.... even katong laksa din taste as nice as it should hv been...
BUT ON THE BRIGHT SIDE... MEL, THANK U THANK U THANK U!!! OMG larh, i juz smsed Mel that i wanted to go to Kenny G concert in e midst of our conversation, and she managed to get 2 tickets for me!!!! i think i shd be goig with her bahz. OMG!!! its like $70 per ticket and its KENNY G!!! omg.... beautiful beautiful!!! ahhh....
he left a mark
Friday, January 13, 2006
@ 10:59 PM
oh yea, i watched hotel rwanda today. and mr yip reali made us think thru and understand y the govt comes down hard on racist jokes and stuff... its like racism was so bad in Rwanda at tt time larh. the movie showed like the hotel manager driving thru a road, then suddenly e road got very bumpy. he got offf... and on e road were PILES AND PILES OF BODIES... OMG!!! then when the scared-to-death hungry refugees tried to escape out of the hotel with UN help, some traitor went to tell the Hutus and they transmitted over radio in a joyful voice "Tittie COCKROACHES are trying to escape fr the hotel. brothers lets come together and ambush them! kill them! eliminate them! hahaha!" WTF!!! den seee all the big masses of ppl trying to escape, get food... all the scenes of victims suffering half mad.... ARGH ITS DAMN SCARY AND GRUESOME... NO SINGAPORE MUZ NVR BE LIDDAT. dun wanna explain further... the scenes are... haish... very good movie for lifeskills lessons...
he left a mark
@ 9:25 PM
i can pipe busindre reel... cant believe it but i can! yay! of course mastering it will take some time larh... =D
for those who find the post below sounding wrong (which i dunno y), here are the bagpipe terminologies and stuff
A- Grip (both are scales)
u squeeze e pipe to maintain air pressure
drone = the 3 stalks at the back, which give a Low A harmony to the pipe
hold her tight under my arm = that's e way u hold a bagpipe
drone when deflate = when u no skill, the pipe will deflate and the drones will drone in an ugly manner
yupp. being BM can be real tiring... but its realli worth it! feels so good to hear the sound of music... ^^
and HQ juz told Mr SIow to tell us that we're perfoming for stg in Jurong next month! details comin soon... mdm yvonne said it MAY BE Chingay... woots!
yupp! that's it! now to my pile of homework... staring at me in total disgust... wait, me staring at them in total disgust... >.<
he left a mark
Monday, January 09, 2006
@ 11:40 PM
omg... i mean, i cant believe it but i have a girlfriend!!!
u know, i strike her G-spot everyday, and grip her A-hole while doing so...
i carrass her within my arms, pump her up and squeeze her real tight, delighting in hearing her squeak in pleasure.
when its not hard enough, i feel her deflate and drone...
ahh.. i have so much affection with her, so much feelings... i feel as tho she and i were one... i mean, we have such a bond larh....
i love my BAGPIPE!!! =D
he left a mark
Sunday, January 08, 2006
@ 7:30 PM

whee! my sec1s look so nice rite? 1H rox larh! ^^
btw, who wants to watch a movie? i wanna watch, dunno who to go with....
he left a mark
I Am Cow (blog song) @ 6:24 PM
I am Cow
Hear me moo
I weigh twice as much as you
And I look good on the barbecue
Yogurt, curd, cream cheese, and butter's
Made from liquid from my udders
I am cow, I am cow, hear me moo!
I am cow, eating grass
Methane gas comes out my ass
And out my muzzle when I belch
Oh the ozone layer is thinner
From the outcome of my dinner
I am cow, I am cow, I've got gas.
I am cow, here I stand
Far and wide upon this land
And I am living everywhere
From B.C. to Newfoundland
You can squeeze my teats by hand
I am cow, I am cow, I am cow,
I am cow, I am cow, I am cooooooooow!
he left a mark
Saturday, January 07, 2006
y do i love band so much? y do i love bagpipes so much? y dun i know how to delegate work? why do i get stessed to easily? so wat if we won 3rd when teachers insult us in front of the class, when they cover their ears, when students mock us, jeer us? when mr wallace cant teach us and we're in desperate needs? wat muz i do man? wat muz we do to fucking convince them tt we're not bad and at least respect us? muz we play busindre reel to convince those assholes and tell them to fuck off? i'm freaking pissed off yes i am. to think when we got 3rd, the moment we got it and i was happy, i was telling myself YES, finally we hv stg to show e sch that we arent good-for-nothings. i love the bagpipes. all in e band do. we wanna spread the love. but wat we get? all this crap? wat's this? respect for each other? i can remember our *******IAN PRINCIPLE OF HONOUR:
in intellectual pursuit, i shall reflect disipline and passion for learning.
in personal conduct, i shall live in integrity and
REGARD INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS AND THE COMMUNITY WITH KINDNESS AND RESPECTAND IN SO DOING, UPHOLD THE *******IAN PRINCIPLE OF HONOUR.u tell me, wat's this? do wat u preach man. swear the Principle of Honour liao still liddat. tmd. think we BB and the band can anyhow push around issit? so wat if u think u're better? try playing bagpipes larh. we dun jeer or laugh or tease when u all dont do well or stg, but when we need support, wat we get? bunch of assholes. if i could resort to physical violence, 5ppl'd be in ICU rite now. basket.
he left a mark
@ 8:14 PM
juz read this email, a story,from anyi... absolutely touching...
anyway, yes, i'm back from sec1 orienation camp! =) 2nd camp in which i could use my handphone, but mp3 and wallet taken away... anyway, the sec1s are VERY fun to be with!!! at first, i din really wanna be a PSL as some of u know, but i guess now, i realli dun regret being one! ^^ the activites, like armageddon and stuff were pretty much okie larh, but as a PSL, its realli about modelling e way and encouraging e heart and challenging e process. lots of things.... like u reali gotta set an example. time's up to go, betta go, even if u aint finished lunch. they're tired, do stg to hype them up a lil. the realli great challenge of this camp was no pumping larh. we realli din know wat to do much except stuff like repacking ur bags in a time limit or redoing roll calls. so now i guess the greatest challenge for us is how to instill respect in them. i remember on the last day of camp they had to be at the LT by latest 11.30am. it was 11.30 and they were still in class. i said "hey guys, its 11.30 liao! overtime. still not hurrying?" a reply from one guy, i din see who cos everyone was packed together "ayah, its alright larh. heck care" shida and i were so shocked and angry we shouted at them and made them do multiple roll-calls. they're a nice bunch larh. speaking of shida, he reminds me a real lot of Zhe Yuan lorh. looks like him, speaks like him, character like him, face and hand actions like him. omg. i juz felt as tho i was talking to zhe yuan.... 2nd nite we went high larh. maybe tired or wat, but we talk abit then laugh and laugh, until our stomach damn pain. wahaha! talk abt everythihng larh! den 1am then sleep. made me have lots of fun that nite... =) yupp. the finale was quite cool. felt the bonding of the sec1s and PSLs larh.
Oh yea, Raffles Trail was a success! at first it was damn monotonous... buddden, the sec1s wanted to hear my piping so i piped for them. and attracted lots of sec1s! whee!!! they love it! tho they say its loud larh. but some of them say it aint, its okie. =) then the parents were totally attracted to our booth! they say our convincing is very good, we sell our CCA well and they realli want their sons to come to BB. its realli heartening larh. but think of it this way, how can we sell BB so well if we aint convinced of how good BB is? c'mon! 60th ROCKS! one of my sec1s was fr St. Hilda's BB, where Darius, enqing they all came fr too. he say dun wanna join BB, but i kinda persuaded him here and there. and it looks like its working. he's been in AQ, displayed some leadership potential (which i believe came from jnr BB too! ^^) haish, made me so happy geoff and i juz promoted BB till nearly 7 to parents, skipped our dinner. reluctant to leave oso... yay! BB ROCKS! =)
today sent cheeks off to Tekong... haish... so fast another batch gone.... 3yrs more my turn. the food and facilities there reali nice larh! i think training SHOULD BE abt AQ standard. hopefully... yea... saw titus there! hopefully they're all doing fine!! =) cheeks juz sent me an sms telling me its real slack today. eating and eating whole day. xD
i'm down with a severe sore throat, lack of voice and cold. and tired. but happy. thought of lots of stuff. need to realli change myself? mr. fong's email is true. sometimes we're a leader outside and a punk at home. gotta change tt... and thought of stuff like relationships... i'm outta it. but others are still trapped in crushes and depressions. c'mon JIAYOU! and those taking o levels this yr too! =)
he left a mark
Tuesday, January 03, 2006
@ 8:08 PM
first day of school. my sec1 class not bad larh. as in, okie. they're quite nice i guess. but i muz admit i'm not good at memorizing names and stuff. i still cant recognize them cos so many of em look so simliar! >.<>.< PUSH ON...
he left a mark
Monday, January 02, 2006
@ 6:02 PM
finally. gotten my Adidas shoes. not the one i was eyeing at first, but it costs$76 after a 30% discount. quite a steal... and prob my cheapest sports shoes ever. =p and its not even any of e pair's i expected to buy lorh. but its nice! i cant wait for JC. den i can start buying all e coolio black shoes i saw juz now that i cant buy this year... =D Daniel Yip was buying a pair of blue New Balance shoes at e same store. i saw him goig around the mall looking and trying out the same pair of shoes, and he asked the uncle for another $6 discount, cos other stores was $89, but this store, after 30%, was $95. the uncle said "i know, the other stores give cheaper, but no size rite? that's y u're here, where we stock all e sizes wat..." din know wat happened in e end larh, i paid for my shoes, and went to reward myself with a Milo Dinosaur. =p and i cant believe it. when i went queensway, the shoes i wanted were out of stock, cos old model. then i ended up looking at girls.... >.< the shoppers were chio, salesgirl was chio, even the girl making milo dinosaur was chio! like wth? goodness.... anyway, school's starting tml. betta sleep earli tonite and get ready. here comes the academic year of '06... gee...
he left a mark
Sunday, January 01, 2006
@ 9:22 PM
i realli had a lot of fun this past week, this past hols. so much fun i feel as tho i've onli spent a day of hols... BBQ at Ben's house was so fun! the BB family back together, celebrating, juz having pure spirited fun! made me feel so happy, so happy i made this particular decision. without hestitation, without regret. i did it. and it feels good man, it feels real good! cant believe it. then Ben gave me this christmas present. he definately put a lot of effort into it. tho it makes me feel real embarrassed, its all in e name of fun larh, which is.. FUN! xD he bought me, with the aid of her sis... something something with merry xmas cut from cardboard on it! omg larh! but still very funny! xD and i think my tennis is improving slightly. wah lau, my dad's a tennis coach for goodness' sakes but i dunno how to play! i mean, juz java handphone tennis larh. and i din bring change of clothes! after cooking, trying to see who's "more man" (i demonstrated it by eating from e plate using my mouth without fork and spoon), and running, and singing carols (very fun!), i was like stinking. so i washed my shirt, put it in e sauna while i bathed, came out, put a semi-wet shirt on and still had BBQ smell. >.< but heck! loved e BBQ man! ^^
then yesterday. was at east coast. well, we went shopping for sheila and mich's presents first. wah lau! mini toons din hv the cute huggable toy Sheila liked larh! in e end i had to buy stg else. hope u like it! mich was easier, cos i saw this very nice stg stg (which i'll reveal AFTER giving them e presents). yupp, i'm prob e onli guy doing christmas shoppiing after christmas... xD then we bought some sushi, went to east coast and went to coffee bean for dinner. in order to save $1, i bought a sandwich, without e bread. 0.0 anyway, found this spot where campers were quieter to sit down and stare out into e beach. listened to kenny g, kevin kern, JJ, westlife... all e beach music larh. so nice k! then we saw ppl buying sparklers and playing with em, so we decided to buy em! at first, we put 3 candles on the sand, so it created a nice warm ambience. then i went to buy sparklers and a lighter. we threw e sparklers, created all sorts of pyrotechnical moves with them, and named them or gave them stories. like green for joy, blue for happiness and red for peace and love. etc etc. so nice larh! we made lots of wishes, resolutions, and b4 we knew it, it was 11.05pm. time to go home. and guess wat. bus 16 got stuck in suntec, cos ppl counting down. so we spent new year in the bus!!! the bus driver was kind larh. its against e law to let us off if no bus stop, but he let us off. poor guy, he prob gotta stay at suntec for 1.5hrs... but he let us down. i think the least i could do was say a "thank you". he gave that smile that i think was a realli appreciative one. makes a real diff, doesnt it, to show that bit of courtesy? =) then we packed up at the city hall, cos THOUSANDS of ppl swarming into the mrt station. remember, if this happens, 1) make sure u squeeze b4 e police barricades an area, 2) take stairs instead of escalator, so in e end u'll 3) get a near empty train and even get seats while ppl outside are stilll cursing trying to get on e escalator. ^^
today ba guan. he did my whole upper body. its pure. pain. that's all. and queensway din hv the adidas shoes i wanted! somehow onli PS world of sports has. then i couldnt go. cos raining like mad. so tml goig. then my dad used comp, i din know msn was on, then sheila kept trying to talk to me, but i din know it cos i wasnt there. >.< haish...
he left a mark