Thursday, August 31, 2006
@ 11:26 PM

i cant stand it... i cant believe it... my boots are uber SHINY!!!! omg omg omg.... i'm VERY proud of my boots... LOVE YA!!! =DDD
hey come to think of it, mr edgar's scolding for e founders men was good.... its like bringing up our dignity... yea...
he left a mark
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
@ 11:39 PM
omg i'm like trying to chiong finish my cloze passages here for french... and i get this cloze:
Tout a commencé par un doux après midi, alors que nous ne nous connaissions pas encore. Nous étions tous les deux gênés de cette rencontre organisée par une amie commune. Mais en même temps nous étions heureux tout simplement d'être là. Chacun de notre côté vivions des choses difficiles et nous avions besoin de tendresse.
Doucement le temps filait sans que nous nous en rendions compte et peu à peu nous commencions à nous connaître. Tu me faisais du bien et je pouvais oublier tout ce qui6 me tracassait.
Pendant que nous parlions, la radio jouait en musique de fond. Comme par magie notre chanson préférée à tous les deux passa. Nous nous sommes levés et nous avons dansé là au beau milieu de ma chambre notre premier slow. À la fin, nous nous sommes regardés et là sans le vouloir nous nous sommes embrassés. Ce fut le plus doux des baisers que j'ai connu.
Par la suite, nous étions collés l'un à l'autre et tout ce que nous faisions était de nous regarder dans les yeux. À un moment donné, j'ai ressenti le besoin de graver tous les détails de ton visage dans ma mémoire comme si c'était la dernière fois que nous nous voyions. De cette façon, jamais je n’ oublierais cet après-midi.
Pendant plus d’ une heure, je suis restée là à passer mes doigts sur ton visage. C'était vraiment un moment magique ! Nous avons gardé le silence pendant tout ce temps. Nous n'entendions que les battements de nos cœurs qui battaient la chamade.
Finalement, lorsque je fus certaine de ne jamais t'oublier, tu m'as regardée et nous nous sommes embrassés. Je crois que je peux dire avec certitude que c'est de là que notre histoire a commencé car déjà le lendemain tu m'appelais pour planifier notre prochaine rencontre. J'étais aux anges.
dammit. its such a beautifully written love story.... BUT ITS NOT WAT I NEED RITE NOW THANKS!!!! distraction. ><
he left a mark
Saturday, August 26, 2006
@ 11:07 PM


TITUS MY PSL!!!! he cheat me tell me BB can learn guitar... now dne i learn 4 chords from LK. TSKTSK

IVAN!!!! veh funny guy larh! very frenly oso. cant forget u dude! u made my BB life fun!

UNCLE WONG! ppl like him in HQ are the reason why BB's ever so fun and meaningful! u rock
dude! UNCLE!

mrs khoo, ben ong, longkuan, me, mr siow, ben khoo (NEW BM), mr heng! i love e band! no longer mine in tt sense but who cares? ^^

Nic Cai! Fellow McLaren supporter! and he's damn nice guy too! like there for me in BQ and stuff... too bad he's bz with uni studies... eh u slim down liao leh... eat more larh!

LONGKUAN!!!!!!! oh my even in this foto u still look like a big bro to me. i still treat u as one. u... (to finish this sentence will take 100 lines and stuff) ROCK!!!!!! =DDDDDD

Mr. Siow! Captain 60th! (he always call me buddy de) R.E.S.P.E.C.T
annual parade rocked! it was good! not for e awards, but yea... esp tt time when i heard abt chee keen and his speech... i was reflecting a lot... it made me think and like... "wat am i actl here for" and den i saw all my frens and the big home of 60th there having fun... tt's wat its for man. FIRST FOR BOYS. =)
he left a mark
Friday, August 25, 2006
@ 10:06 PM
wahhh today dunno why still so tired... tho i had quite ample sleep... nxet week and week after next gotta go back to BBHQ. next week to engrave my name on best boy medallion, week after next to collect it. gee. ok. anyway, band today was quite fun haha. polish pipe and stuff... dinner was yea... ok... everything was ok. except my mood for e day. dunno why. chennie's always so fun to be with. damn funny larh. xD
oh haha hope you like e present! haha! ^^
tired. betta go sleep. tml polish. i need to mug. i always say tt. ><
he left a mark
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
@ 12:08 AM
i juz read thru my account on melbourne, looked thru my whole "my picture' collection... how fast time has flown... but yet i still remember the details, the feelings right there right then... <3 larh. i think i need to tell myself i do love RI, albeit all the stress and stuff... ohwell... its juz the "common perception" no?
he left a mark
Monday, August 21, 2006
@ 9:45 PM
wah why cant u juz let me be who i am? am i not excelling enuff in my own rights? i've attained everythin possible a BB Boy can get. i'm the Best Boy, i'm a Founders Man, i'm a Band Major. and i've found wat i love. why do u always juz keep throwing newspaper articles of others who have excelled in their own rights and expect me to be like them? they know chinese orchestra programming, got big dreams living big dreams fine. that's their life. i have MY life! why i go all out to get all these awards? yes i want it for my personal glory, but ultimately its for YOU! for u to be proud of me and finally accept me for who i am. but no, "hey yong qian look at this guy. in RI. so pro wahhh and u liddat alraedy complaining" i'm not whoever's on the cover page ok?
he left a mark
@ 8:58 PM
screwed up big time!!!!!!!! mixed up dates for performance ARGHHHHHHHHHHH BQ day somemore!!!!! wth!!!!!!!! this is seriously bad larh wth was i doing?!!!!!!! 89436789537857852
wah shit larh i'm feeling damn bad now...
whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shitttt
he left a mark
Sunday, August 20, 2006
@ 10:25 PM
wah jogging shuang leh! tot abt this dream this morn and can chiong chiong chiong until i did 2.8km intervals... den do pull ups... den dieded. i realise sth. u know those girls like wear fbts look like trackers run like trackers kind? very fake de. i was walking a while cos i realli die liao. den these 3 za bor overtake me. wah like run like e wind liddat. i buai song cos like wth... so i try jogging... slow but constant jog... and overtook. -_-" wah seh come back my whole face red le. dunno why today seemed so intensive. feels shuang now after sweating it out... but the thoughts still remain.
i'm going for HQ primers and trying out for presidents award. affirmitive
he left a mark
@ 11:43 AM
argh argh argh... i'm still shaken by e tot of it... i juz woke up from a dream... a very antagonizing dream... i woke up nearly in tears... in fact a few did drop... it still feels very heart-wrenching... and the (at this point of time) worst thing is that i made a very relevant prayer about it last nite (not the primers one, tho i did pray abt it too)... i was juz aiming for a very good sleep. the onli one i can get out of my whole week, and then do my hw and train a bit later, but NO... i have to have this kind of dream. i've 2 ways of intepreting this dream. i think i need to speak to someone abt it... but who....
烦阿!!!!!!!! ='(
he left a mark
Saturday, August 19, 2006
@ 9:02 PM
woah this week was da bomb. monday fell VERY ill... dunno why suddenly sunday nite couldnt sleep... tossed and turned for 4hours and slept at 4... wah lau. then suddenly monday fell BADLY ill... it was torture i can tell u... much worse than few weeks back.... ><><)
i've a sudden liking for cascada. thnx to chin yang. esp "piece of heaven". wah the techno background the electronic dunno wat very shiok leh.... and singer nice voice. trying to get non remix version. c how nice e original one is. maybe not so pumped up xD
WORK WORK WORK. oh gawd this suxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
he left a mark
Sunday, August 13, 2006
@ 9:31 PM
haha for those who cant read my chinese post cos its too small, hold control and scroll ur mouse's scroller. the thing will turn bigger/smaller, depending on which side u scroll, so yea, make it bigger. =p
for longkuan cos he cant read chinese on his comp: i was saying tt i realise this whole year i still depend on u a lot for everything, i realise i always like break down and stuff and cant make major decisions sometimes and u're always there to help me make them and help get the band running... next yr without you aruond much the real tests come... can i cope? ><
no time to blog in chinese or blog today so yea tt's tt. =)
he left a mark
Saturday, August 12, 2006
@ 9:54 PM
ok for those who wanna read my chinese posts go "view" "encoding" and select "unicode" thnx chennie! =) those words in bold are words to take note of xD tolld u my chinese sucked
伸懒腰,慢慢地起床。然后不懂为什么突然感到很俄,有想吃云吞面,所以买了云吞面加面haha! 但是吃到腻lorh, 不够汁,面很
发觉(to realise mentally)这一年来,我都一直在靠着longkuan为我做出重要的决定。在我无法控制自己,无法做出理智的决定时,我都靠他来为我撑住,为我做出决定。有时,我真的在想,我真的是个Band Major 吗?我看,明年,当我真的要率领我的风笛团后,真正的考验才即将开始。。。
刚才我花了好长的时间游览大学所能提供的课程,看一下我以后想当什么。应该去外国吗?我看先在新加坡读完,参加他们的外国留学计划吧。我看我可能会读business course... engineering course 很科学化。。。不懂leh... 倒时在说吧。但又想起来,那我花那么多时间看这些干吗? >< 可能多两年后又有改变呢? 又想起来,刚才我又是一时心急可能有说了不该说的话。在这个时刻,我们的团应该在这个时候给与他们鼓励和支持。。。但他们也许要提醒。。。我和longkuan好不容易才
k tt's my blog today in chinese... i raelli think it helps me alot to improve my chinese. and i love chinese! but i suck at it... chennie asked me if i'm HMT student larh... sigh...
shd i start blogging in french too den? hmm...
ki shd sleep le. NITE
he left a mark
Friday, August 11, 2006
@ 10:39 PM
wth i can type in chinese, but i cant read the words in my web. goodness... nvm i'll still continue typing... maybe i wun post them anymore... anyone can read?
he left a mark
@ 9:58 PM
阿。。。 打出这些华文字好漫长阿。。。
生活真的是好辛苦阿。每一天到学校就有恐惧感,如:今天老师又会填什么工课? 一做好一个专题作业,就有多三个等着我处理。我对许多科目的兴趣都以成绩,分数给摧毁了。。。
o ya, 忘了说,刚才吴老师叫我们写什么演讲稿。我那时睡不够 (我
he left a mark
@ 9:49 PM
wow... so chin yang reads my blog. and so does mr soo. HI!!! =) my facial expression muz hv been totally shocking to mr soo when i heard him say he reads my blog and understands why i loved melbourne so much le... who told him my blog add? xD
gee these 2days i've been in some sort of... in and out of consciousness mood... like those u juz start daydreaming and stuff and suddenly get back to find reality a far cry from ur dreams... sometimes i reali admire chin yang's upbringing. its realli excellent. and he's a very nice person too! it seems incoherent but actl there's some link bet these 2 tots tt i decline to post....
wenjun and boyi and chin yang did the SS project till 4am... and today till 5pm... u know i feel like a TOTAL SLACKER. gawd. like no matter wat i do i juz cant seem to "answer" the guilt within me... i was like a free-rider? mingxue's rite... i think i hardly did anything here, except for some stats some music some acting. oh gawd... *#(%%%(* sorry!!! =( i finished chionging chem. shall start phy. muz "repay"... ><
which reminds me of all the *beeping* work i hv yet to do.... orals, revision, etc... i seem to be studying, den FORGETTING EVERYTHING i studied. phy gravity (chin yang), chem mole concept (ben khoo), linear law (yan kan)... yada yada.... so did i actl waste my time? GARGH
wat a sad sad week... ='(
and there's still itchy fingers i wanna fight for...
he left a mark
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
@ 10:58 PM
what if one day, you woke up to find yourself left without friends?
what if one day, you woke up to find that no-one cares?
what if one day, you woke up to find yourself alone?
yankan's rite... nites can work both ways. with ppl they can be beautiful, lovely, friendly, romantic. without ppl, loneliness sets in, thoughts run wild, and sentimental kenny g tunes don't help much...
on a sidenote, i've friggin' spent 1.5hrs on RE speech. my productivity is realli down the drain. these are the days when u feel like slacking but need to do work. u end up stoning and stressing out even more while ur work production is like 1line per 10min?
geeeeee... =(
he left a mark
@ 8:42 PM
did i say i absolutely HATE presentations? like oral presentations and stuff... sigh... havent done much today. sigh wanna relax yet so much work to do. my life's reverting to work cca routine... gargh. on the bright side there're some outing days coming! haha! =)
juz saw an email by ms tang. Best Boy, Band Major, bagpipe and drum badges, winning pipe and drums festival (1st 2nd 3rd), founders man, senior prof badge, bb week target collector, company annual parade all get cca points. (got more, but tt doesnt concern me =p) whee! =)
he left a mark
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
@ 12:54 AM
the grip of leadership is failing me... i'm unable to control myself as i used to, cos handover's coming soon. this CANNOT happen. oh God help me. i need to control myself more. tho i'm not in e wrong, i cant do this.... i MUST keeep control of myself. sigh. ><
ok i race once. den sleep le. goodness me.
he left a mark
Monday, August 07, 2006
@ 12:44 AM
on the bright side, alonso retired too. and Pedro de la Rosa (another McLaren driver) came in 2nd. the other 2ferraris and renaults were nowhere to be seen. but pity larh it DEFINATELY could be a McLaren 1 2... sigh... massa sucked larh. 2nd, den lost places. den spun 3times. HAHA. =p
i tell u SS video is damn fun. i think it would have been a JUST ANOTHER assignment, but chin yang, boyi, wen jun and mingxue has made it one of the onli assignments i've had so much fun and enjoyment in doing! all the NGs, funny scenes, etc... it'll realli be a memorable one. we're gonna burn each of us a cd with our final product + all the NGs. i'm gonna keep it well! thanks guys for making this project such a beautiful one, even tho we had many hiccups and its still not done! =)
k i'm gonna race a bit. den sleep le. my beauty beauty sleep! =D
he left a mark
Sunday, August 06, 2006
@ 9:10 PM
on a side note, apparantly SS has been extended... without us knowing. wat kind of communication within e dept is this larh... sigh...
he left a mark
@ 2:43 PM
woah this week's been hell. realli hell. even up till today. was sick somemore. yesterday was largely unpleasant. onli dinner good... sigh... oh yea thnx mich, hil and longkuan also for this whole week, making it much better den it was... at least i can look forward to next week for DMP and stuff where i can start piping much more often and do more things that i want to lorh.
sigh yesterday sucked larh. realli larh. our band practiced 3whole frigging months for annual parade, and in juz 1 sentenced our effort was like... fong larh. damn pissed. luckily with e help of largely longkuan and geoff and mich i still pulled thru... gee...
tired tired tired... I WANNA GO OUT FOR SHOPPING, MOVIE, DINNER, A GOOD LONG WALK!!!! national day hols? who? how? gee...
he left a mark
Friday, August 04, 2006
@ 11:46 PM
its e end of my tests! but i realli wanted to knock my head after my chinese test finished... nowadays i realli feel that i've put in my best for everything i've done, but somehow it doesnt seem to be enuff... i forgot lots of e stuff tt i mugged for... esp chinese... left like wat, 10min for chan wen suo duan? ='( but the rest of e day was slack, so i'm happy. haha! lunch was quite nice, a takeaway and attending BQ, slowly eating. i like!
ben psmed today. i'm quite impressed with it. his new initiative and running of the band was good, tho there're definately points for improvement. but it was impressive. honestly. couldnt pipe tt well, my stomach was not good... sigh...
dinner with CHEE KEEN!!!! for ZACH'S BIRTHDAY! with longkuan max and lam. his smile and his stories and stuff all so light-hearted and nice! dinner was a light-hearted affair, and so was supper! army stories are funny! and scary sometimes...
i was like... feeling weird on e mrt. like for once i no need to mug on MRT for a fortnite! WOOT! then sth quite scary happened. rather i was thinking too much. it was fearful. i prayed fervently. sigh wat was i thinking ><
when i was polishing, i thought of BB CARES. haha, and tt touching sms yankan sent yesterday. i was realli on e verge of breaking down physically yesterday, budden her sms juz like came, and it realli like boosted me a lot. thanks!!!! =)
ok sat and sun, gonna be out whole day again to settle bb and schoolwork. sigh.
he left a mark
Thursday, August 03, 2006
@ 10:16 PM
test after test. project after project. to hell with sch. to hell with e sch department. they dun even wanna LISTEN to our views, to try and improve our lives a lil. thing is its wat MOE says is permitted, like 6DWW for BB who needs VALs. all they know is give us test after test project after project. i cant take it anymore. my engine's overheating and on fire but yet i've still gotta charge full rev. i've got constant headaches and feel as tho i can faint any moment but NO. projects. tests. NON STOP. pinnacle of education? to hell with it!
he left a mark
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
@ 9:05 PM
i ran e annual raffles cross country for e first time in my life. i guess i'm starting to feel the school and house spirit? ohwell its getting a lil too late... well at least i experienced it... =)
wah lau eh last time i run AQ like complete 30km den like ouch and yay! now i run 5km with a darned screwed up face and near-cramps. and no power. like wanna rev up to overtake slow poks, onli to find out i'm abt as slow as them, thus resorting to slow overtaking... dammit. at least i'm feeling pumped up now. and at least i managed to overtake a moorian juz b4 e finishing line. but we came in 4th. so sad. =(
mug mug mug. after this song. my engine's geared up. hopefully so's McLaren's in preparation for this week's GP. kimi raikkonen and pedro de la rosa can do it! i find it so ironical that Johnnie Walker onli starts showing Montoya's advertisements AFTER he left McLaren for NASCAR. gee. he's not even in F1 anymore pl.
oh yea, i find PE dept veh weird, dun give us water b4 e run. like wth i was dehydrating during e run! luckily got shaun's bottle for tt bit of water. wah lau eh.
he left a mark