Sunday, November 26, 2006
@ 11:20 PM
BYEBYE! Cya 3rd! =D
he left a mark
Saturday, November 25, 2006
@ 11:25 PM
i juz found out that Royal Plaza Hotel (didnt sound very nice) is a FIVE STAR HOTEL, with a HUGE state-of-the-art gym and a 40m long ROMAN STYLE swimming pool with auto-heater and UNDERWATER MUSIC! and there's a jacuzzi and steam bath and YADA YADA I'M NOT LEAVING THE HOTEL! xD
the plane we're taking there and back are BOTH Boeing 777s! with my experience going to Melbourne, 777 is very new, very stable and very comfortable. boi oh boi!
i'm changing $100 to HK money to buy gifts back. hopefully i DO buy gifts back, if i'm not too engaged in eating and shopping for shoes and clothes. =D
27th nov to 3rd dec. signing off!
and i've got a companion for happy feet yay!
who's up for open season, deja vu and casino royale?
btw, STEP UP ROX! their music, their dancing... omg damn cool. i wanna dance! but i dunno how to. muz dance dance dance! whee... makes me regret missin playground@clubmomo...
he left a mark
Thursday, November 23, 2006
@ 2:49 PM
i won 4 grands prix: USA (Indianapolis), European (Nurburgring), French (Magny-Cours) and British (Silverstone) in a row. Whee! All i won from pole except French (i still trying to find the perfect racing line so my timing juz managed a fourth, but still overtook within e first lap). made a mistake on the penultimate lap of the European GP. luckily i had a 10sec lead! (i onli played 6laps each, so 10sec lead within 6 laps says a lot! xD) Whee... now for chantering and then 1 hour devotion. and then study French again.
Anyone up for Happy Feet the movie?
he left a mark
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
@ 10:42 PM
i wanna go christmas concert at esplanade (jazz concert) $20. i wanna go out watch movie. i wanna have fun. wanna go pool. wanna everything. but no one to go with. wow.
hols havent realli been going e way i want i guess? sian man... =(
maybe i shdnt listen to class 95fm. =S
he left a mark
@ 7:29 PM

This is wat i saw this morning at the MRT on my way to school, after waking up groggily at braddell mrt. absolutely DISGUSTING sight. that lady there obviously thinks her $1 makes her the queen of the mrt.
before alighting, i politely went up to tell her to please don't hog the seats, there're others standing around and all who may want a seat.
her reply," IF THEY WANT A SEAT THEY CAN COME AND TELL ME, I'LL GIVE IT TO THEM!" and gave me a rich tai-tai snort and the look as tho i'm a busybody with nth better to do. As if anyone will DARE to come near you, auntie. Initiative? Zero. Responsibility? Zero. Civic-mindedness? Zero. Selfishness? 100. Ego? 100 also.
Li Ao criticized Singaporeans as stupid last year. We were all pissed off. The forums bloomed with anger and everyone was on "red alert". Admittedly so was I. My uncle told me on Sunday over lunch "actualli u see the reaction of Singaporeans u know that Li Ao spoke the truth. We can't accept criticisms, we are so selfish. He's reminding us of where we stand!"
i was thinkin thru all these and kinda contemplating. This morning's incident confirmed it. And the reason why i keep paragraphing is to make it easier for u all to read so tt u all will read and think abt this.
We are a first-world country materially. We've got the highest class tpt, the highest class (disputable) education and we're at the top for nearly everything: Bio industry, Shopping, Food, even night-life. Yet where is the quality of us Singaporeans? Readers' Digest ranked us one of the worst quality citizens in the world a few years back if i dun remember wrongly. Li Ao criticised us. Isn't it time to do sth abt it? The government cant be the ones holding up Singapore alone. They cant go around doing diplomacy and tourism if all that others see when they come to Singapore is this kinda behavior and quality out of us.
Singapore has provided so much for us, our ancestors slogged so hard for us to enjoy. However, this is i believe far from what they have hoped for, to see us behaving so selfishly. Please guys, let's be more civic-minded and build a more gracious society...
he left a mark
Saturday, November 18, 2006
@ 10:34 PM
looking at u
i remember that fone call
that sms
that sacrifice you made.
against all odds
u did it
all for love
i was a foolish boy
never thought thru my brain
i had it all
and never appreciated it.
against all odds
i broke your heart
all for "love".
now i see u again
that smile
that encouragement
that special feeeling.
against all odds
i wanna say sorry
and a big thank you
to you, to the special you.
you're beautiful in that special way
he left a mark
Thursday, November 16, 2006
@ 11:51 PM
AQ training... nt very xiong. juz a bit mentally exhausting cos its quite... slow i guess? haha. but yupp its not that challengin for me cos i've done enuff training to render conditioning easy. =p
i spent 3hrs packing my ROOMS. got 2 trashbags full of paper to recycle, 4 bags of notes and tbs to give away (1 to amandus, 1 to max, 1 to michelle, 1 to NTUC's tb carn) and 2 neat rooms. I'M PROUD OF MYSELF OH MAN <3
AND THEN I FINISHED THE AQ PROPOSAL FOR BOTH THE CAMP AND THE TESTS. OMG i feel VERY accomplished today!!! woot woot woot! =)
i'm a happy guy today!
and did i tell u elton john's my idol? HAHA! jkjk
he left a mark
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
@ 11:27 PM
3bowls of rice. 2 bowls of a lot of prawns, salmon, squid, mushrooms, pork. thus ends my stay at amandus's hse with a large steamboat. my whole body's aching, did exercises everyday. tml there's AQ training. GG. shd be able to survive. i THINK. c'mon c'mon i can do it =)
shan't upload my photos now. i think i gonna sleep soon. damn tired. and AQ tml. gonna pack up my room tml. woot. haha! then i gonna mug french gogogo!
he left a mark
@ 12:11 AM
yoyoyo! i feel good. cos i tanned and exercised and all with my couzzies haha! feels real good to sweat it out, look good and all =D anyway, went to the motorshow today. quite disappointing really. tho there was e ferraris and the lambos, and the weird rolls royce imitation jap cars, there werent realli much to see! no bmw no merc no audi no aston no porsche. ferrari onli the 599GTB fiorano (looks GOOD! dun believe e mag's pictures), F430 (no spyder tho), e lambos looked good too, tho the stupid red star in the middle of the LP640 made the car look like it juz went thru a war from the soviet union. better off as a tank i say. colour was good tho. and race queen wise... onli 1 lexus one was and some surveyors rocked tho ;) shall upload the fotos when i get home tml or sth!
yesterday... damn embarrassing/funny sia. one marist, one rafflesian and one millenium (millennia de)/ NS pre-enistee AKA recruit in their respective school PE walking around in Orchard road at nite sia. smart bo! hehe! popiah $2. no lup cheong no prawn. wah siao eh!
kimchi girl. 2cm. bus stop. far east has by far the FUNNIEST shop names ever. we couldnt stop laughin. good ab training. =)
he left a mark
Sunday, November 12, 2006
@ 12:19 PM
to everyone out there to make this world a better place:
1) if u wanna criticize someone, please make sure you're actl doing sth by setting an example. As Jesus once said: "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? How can you say to your brother, "Let me take the speck out of your eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye" (Matthew 7:3-5)
people don't appreciate others who juz know how to talk bad about others but they themselves are just as bad/even worse. please be a role model.
2) NEVER call people stupid/imbecile or laugh at others for what they have done. if u want, offer some friendly advice, but NEVER insult one's IQ. Personally i'm guilty of it sometimes but to be on the receiving end is really painful. Therefore I urge everyone to please STOP all this nonsense.
You may laugh it off, juz because someone is a good fren u tink its alright to make this kinda funny jokes at them or juz because the person's ur junior/son/daughter/wtv u think its ok. you're WRONG TO THE LIMITS. the person will feel extremely hurt, and i'm not kidding. by doing so u're condemning all his/her years of education, of learning, of everything. if u're the parent and u scold ur children like that, worse. u're scolding ur whole family for not having done anything to educate ur children. Everyone has dignity. Don't cross the line.
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Matthew 7:1-2)
i seemed to be destined to 做牛作马 cos i'm born in the year of the horse -_-"
3) please appreciate one's efforts. 所谓:“没有功劳,也有苦劳” (tt kinda applies to BB in some sense). even if u dun realli agree on some terms, please appreciate efforts for helping you or ur organization in one way or another. ur conscience bites, and you very well know it. worst still if tt person 有功劳也有苦劳。you jolly well know when to draw e line.
Haha it sounds like ranting, but dear readers (whoever reads my blog) please heed the advice. You'll juz have taken a further step in making this world, which is filled with cynicism, sarcasm, egoism, selfishness and anger, a much better place to live in. Thank you.
he left a mark
Friday, November 10, 2006
@ 10:16 PM
AQ. After a year of sabbatical, i'm back. we all are. thanx to me consistent training i wasnt that physically exhausted, but the intense heat (i jog during evenings remember) and the unexpected stuff (like a 4 round cool down) did drain my overall energy level. it was more of mental exhaustion... and the fear tt i cant perform haunted me like mad. like everyone'd do better den me and i'm expected to be leading in tt sense. ohwell... but it was GOOD! training with the old guys, and the newbies (sec2s oso in tt sense cos i nvr train with u guys b4) was realli fun!
lejon's hse was fun too! ahah the super mario thingy! at first like quite childish, but after tt it gets exciting la! then swim a bit, den pool. lejon and caleb taught me how to pool. and after getting the strokes and stuff better, its fun!!! sheesh i'm getting addicted. xD
i shd start french soon. i havent realli done anything. juz exercised, played, wrote a chinese story and yea... gee... and i still think i'm lacking sleep. see la this kind of environment sigh =S
he left a mark
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
@ 9:00 PM
how to win subaru impreza challenge:
1) be damn sleepy
2) get someone go on stage sing "PUT UR HANDS UP IN THE AIR, PUT UR HANDS UP IN THE AIR!"
sing: put ur left hand in, put ur left hand out, put ur left hand in and u shake it all abt (repeated by right hand)
u confirm win. =D
tips on buying sneakers/ shoes:
1) drag a person of the opp sex along.
2) MAKE SURE YOU GET THE CORRECT SIZE. as in check whether they gave u the correct size.
3) be proud of wat u've bought and dun go around still looking and later start regretting or sth
(dun be mistaken i din commit MOST of the above "mistakes")
sian? dun feel like doing anything. sian.
he left a mark
Sunday, November 05, 2006
@ 10:20 PM
yesterday's sermon was very very enlightening... abt pride vs love. pride is abt doing sth in e hope of gaining 4 urself. love is abt doig e same thing, but in e hope of helping others. and there was the thing abt perception on doing sth that may be right. "nothing in this world is wrong. its jus how its done, how u view it" if God says its wrong, dont argue. u'll always be able to argue and convince urself to do otherwise, onli to harm urself. there's no gray area. everything's black and white. don't think anymore. love others. love urself. it was enlightening. very enlightening.
anyway today bought new monitor and new speakers! the monitor is VERY wide! goodness good for playing games, but good for giving headaches too i think xD the speakers can change colour somemore. its blue now, but i got the pink casing xD then ther was this girl (older den me) who had a very short skirt and wore very low. den she bent over in delifrance. my dad commented "i think her panties bigger den her skirt" HAHA.
then later he wanna order garlic bread, den he wanted it toasted or sth then he combined into one word "garlic black" omg la xD
suddenly i feel so alone, so weird, so stressed for nth. is it cos there's nth to do? or is it cos i'm supposed to study french and phy over e hols? clear up my rm? why liddat? i dun wanna be so driven...
and suddenly the other tots juz pop in. who else? SHE la... ohwell ohwell... or the whoever she its gonna be... i shdnt be thinking of it at all. why am i still trapped? sigh...
he left a mark
Thursday, November 02, 2006
@ 7:48 PM

compare the sydney opera house and the foto of the hair. sorry i juz realli realli tot my fren's hair looks like the sydney opera house. HAHA! =)
gt a haircut today! like i said, recommended chapter 2 at marina square. i went to try out. goodness that guy is damn pro! use a lot of techniques i've nvr seen b4, snip here snip there a bit here a bit there. woah i like my new hairstyle. he teach me to use clay to style, but wah so many steps until i listen liao gong gong... shall experiment on my own... without the clay its still not abd, but not AS nice as with the styling! his name is Jay Ang, after giving me his namecard. rox sia! =)
he left a mark
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
@ 9:43 PM
my gpa is 3.6 average. unless moderation which will bring it up to 3.7+... i'm consistent... and my average mark improved to 75.6. ohwell... still could do better... put in so much for BB.... onli to... sigh... i nvr tot it'd happen again. i tot it ended. seems like i was wrong...
gentlemen start your engines.
prepare for battle.
roger that. you betta have roger that.
8km not enuff. i guess i'll start jogging to south buona vista, turn to pasir panjang, to SAJC/RV, turn to queensway mrt all e way home. shd i? =0
tired. tired. i'm supposed to be slack now! *(&$(@&&%#
he left a mark