Saturday, December 30, 2006
@ 7:49 PM
slept at 2, woke up at 6+. had fried bee hoon, fried chicken wing, vege and kopi iced for breakfast. not a very good start to the hike.
not to mention we started off onli at 8.45 and once we got out we went e wrong way.
and then i got stomachache. had to like bear with the excruciating pain from mrt depot all e way to clementi mrt.
and then run liike 4km to catch up.
juz to have no stamina to catch up again.
find out that QBC is suddenly at harboufront and CHIJ St Theresa's is in the sea.
give new MGR for QBC and change CHIJ to Tiong Bahru MRT.
juz over-react to the use of Epic. (sry ben)
at least the hike ended well... no injuries and all...
my whole body aching...
and lunch at macs at 2pm (wth)
den go to meet 6A for like 5min.
then go church!
reflection of the year was true and great! Song of Songs chapter 3 verse 1. God juz opened my Bible to tt page. true....
acceptance. backsliding. power. recognition. emotional roller coaster. =S
the choir game was damn funny. =D
cant make it for watchnight. any part. sigh =(
he left a mark
Thursday, December 28, 2006
@ 11:18 PM
slept at 3am. as usual. =S i realli need to start sleeping at 10pm? like RJC is next wed... 7.40am? crap.
woke up earli, got to harbourfront earli too.... the toilet was... ARGH. dun say. but yea i was feeling quite tired so immediately switch to "crazy" mode le. started talking all sorts of crap lol! harboufront brings back memories. ate breakfast there. good food!
err... i feel like sleeping... 3am... TBC tml. =S
he left a mark
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
@ 12:55 AM
one whole day and i've only written half a french essay... EFFICIENT. ='(
he left a mark
Monday, December 25, 2006
@ 1:21 PM
yesterday's performance... dun talk abt it. i reallli loved the rehearsals. =) they were prob one of e best things tt happened. the actl performance... crap la.
after the performance, we went to esplanade. went to gluton's square to makan char kuay tiao and all after a bit of singing. den i think ben khoo went high on coke lime. started playing longkuan's guitar and singing feliz navidad and wishing everyone merry christmas. and so we walked from esplanade to fullerton. at first max darius longuan and i were like "ARGH"... but soon one by one we all joined in the fun, juz singing and carolling away like nobody's business. some of the ppl out there were very fun too! juz joining in or having fun with us.
from fullerton we walked to raffles place interchange. the air was cool, making us feel absolutely carefree! then the nite still seemed so young. we decided to walk to tanjong pagar. by tt time ben khoo was at an all time high, juz singing anything to any chord he played... lmao man!
and so we ended of at tanjong pagar. with the most memorable and meaningful and fun christmas eve i've ever had. period. and thus adds another reason to why BB 60th will forever remain in a high position in my life. and thus my blog name. but of cos specially, i love our band guys! all hail Boys Brigade Bagpipe Band 60th coy! =)
he left a mark
Friday, December 22, 2006
@ 11:10 PM
haha today's "jamming" session din turn out as well as it shd hv been... no "feel"... but after tt was fun! dinner, making badges and even going to the toilet LOL! (no dun think sick. seriously.)

That chair beside the ladies' toilet is custom-made for the guys la! when the ladies go into the toilet for ages the guys can sit there, plug in the mp3 and listen to "yi qian nian yi hou"... XD

book drop. you drop the book into my mouth?
LOL la! and making the badge. wth la ben! borrow one book juz to make the badge. then return the book liao! haha! the auntie rox la. we were laughing and joking till it didnt seem like a library =S
and there was this band that totally rocked! street performance. some tribal music. omg the flute nice! i gave them a $1 haha!
fun. =)
he left a mark
Thursday, December 21, 2006
@ 12:08 AM
a lot of frosty the snowman i've haerd are all happy jazzy versions.... but since i was young, i've been wondering... isnt this song supposed to be sentimental? and emotional? like the end when frosty is supposed to be gone but he tells e kids to wait for him. that part is so touching and beautiful la! become some jumpy jazz song? i dun agree... =(
he left a mark
Monday, December 18, 2006
@ 8:18 PM
last nite i couldnt sleep. i had a freaking headache, thinking too much. even tho i had a headache liao juz couldnt sleep! thinking, feeling... slept onli at 2am.
woke up at 7+. bad headache... almost couldnt get up. dragged myself out of bed. saw one of my few smses. totally devastated. totally. i went to e mrt station with a "shove off, u owe me 2 million bucks" face...
then on e train. i started getting the headache, the dizziness, the heatiness... i felt like puking, fainting.... it was HORRIBLE. i felt tortorous... and my heart was aching...
reach sch.... i couldnt take it. but i managed all e way to RJC spectators gallery, and slept. for abt 30min.
for some reason, Justin Timberlake's "My Love" made my condition much better. listening to it made me feel much better.
after tt felt pumped up. and much better. did sets and all.
then go band.
i stomachache la pain... but piped a lot of good tunes.
RGS is a very nice place at nite, not like RI. RGS looks very warm, RI looks like haunted house...
after band piped and sang worship songs and then zoe elissa lk and i went to the piano, play piano, guitar, pipe, etc... WE HAVENT HAD SO MUCH FUN IN AGES!
we juz went high, playing pipe tunes on the piano and guitar and all. we even half seriously wanted to do mtv and cd! i think its possible. longkuan isnt tt optimistic. time will tell.
and we went high la, singing rhythm of my heart in e rain (lk and i)
had dinner at BK again, with more funny stories!
fun la... started off like shit, end off high!
and i got the EAGLES scholarship! extra $150! now got 3 scholarships to my name. LEP hopefully i'll get too....
ahhh... tml bowling, shopping, movie! =)
wed hike... =(
he left a mark
Sunday, December 17, 2006
@ 9:33 PM
$200 food voucher brought us to Long Beach once again... the PR Manager remembered me! PR manager indeed :)
And thus, free appetizer, free desserts, discounts... yada yada!
1) salmon sashimi
2) chilli crab
3) canadian geoduck (xiang4 ba2 bang4)
4) canadian oysters (HUGE i tell you. and delicious!)
5) drunken prawns
6) free lor duck as appetizer
7) barbequed fried squid
8) special tofu
havenly bliss =)
and my dad got "horny" again... enjoying our geoduck sashimi, he suddenly told me:
dad: isnt this bliss?
me: yea duh
dad: and it boosts your manliness too... er hem
me: realli?
dad: yea! and the geoduck shape looks like... you know
me: oh ya it does! LOL my wedding order one specially for e VIP table bahz. and one for my wife and i specially.
dad: rock on!
and oh ya! mahjong!!! okie it was a lil stone... but stilll hey when do we cousins have gatherings? it was warmth =)
he left a mark
Saturday, December 16, 2006
@ 11:05 PM
when they say dun worri juz be frens first. yea we all know that. but we all know that deep inside the feeling OUTRIGHT SUCKS!
when they say yea u gotta learn how to console ur frens and all. dammit the answers are always the same. we cant change the feeling within us. all we need is a LISTENING EAR. please.
sometimes we gotta learn how to say "no".
sometimes we gotta learn how to say "yes".
all for the sake of PROTECTING SELF INTERESTS instead of always being nice.
and sometimes, blood is juz so much thicker than water. thanks AMANDUS and AMADEUS for all the fun times we've had, all the jokes we've cracked and all the games we've bowled juz to make ourselves feel better thru rotten days.
oh btw, i bowled my best game ever today.

mine's the 138 one. haha i know its not very good but hey its my best and i'm proud of it!
dont ask me why its Z and nt YQ. Amandus chose the auspicious name. and indeed it was auspicious. =)
we bowled 10 GAMES. not frames. haha!
f*** la... =(
he left a mark
Friday, December 15, 2006
@ 7:12 PM
haha sry havent been blogging much. been very very tired... realli havent rested much this hols. AQ band AQ band AQ band. the occasional going-outs like happy feet, pool, out with amandus and all a lot to eat seafood, play, stone... xD
ok on hong kong ah...
i realli love their transport system! their bus like got turbo one! the driver press pedal we chiong like amd! and very comfortable! and clean and presentable... i like... their mtrs are oso very nice! tell u which is next stop, which direction u heading, where the door will open... nice la... onli SMRT buses are comparable here... SBS trying to catch up here haha...
Food was quite good! but mundane cos we din realli know hwere to go to eat. their wanton is like... 3prawns per wanton, 4 wantons! but no char siew la. and roast goose! and porridge!
honestly i din realli know how to communicate. the first nite i was like... sheesh... but later juz talk in chinese or english automatically can liao haha! and i learnt quite a few cantonese words =) like how to say "simon" in Cantonese! ;)
the weather there isnt realli tt cold, other than e mornings. i like the temperature. wun sweat de. but ppl smoke everywhere... its kinda disgusting... cant take it :S
shop shop shop for 7days, 10hrs a day. omg la torture! but real shopping onli a few times... the rest juz stone around and walk in malls 3 times the size of marina square. vivo city is PEANUTS there.
u can find gucci in the middle of nowhere. and no i'm not talking fakes. tt u can find everywhere.
and the nite scenery of hong kong from tsim sha chui (issit?) where the avenue of stars is is beautiful!!! ahhh much better than singapore's la.... =S
whee yupp! tt's a summary. for more talk face to face easier!
may post some fotos later! if nt juz msn me ask for em. =D
oh ya, i've developed a taste for singing songs... esp songs that are quite emo and high... tho i cant sing well... but i like!!!!
he left a mark
Thursday, December 07, 2006
@ 4:08 PM
dammit man i'm juz here stoning in front of e comp and the usual crap comes when i'm feeling totally shagged out.
i'm thinking too much, worrying too much, wanting to do sth abt it but my body juz says "NO".
AQ camp, Bagpipe, studies and all are kinda tiring me out.
ms tang is right, i shd give up some stuff.
darn it wat the hell have i done to myself :S
study physics?
study french?
get my As for As?
look good?
try to be more sociable?
shd i even care?
why shd i?
he left a mark
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
@ 11:45 PM
haha sry i shd blog abt hongkong and photo blog but i'm so tired.... come back fr HK with lil sleep go AQ camp. then at nite cant sleep cos my toopid cousins make me laugh and laugh until 2am. omg la xD
lonely! i'm mr lonely! i have nobody! i'm on my own! haha!
he left a mark