Monday, January 29, 2007
@ 7:55 PM
wah sei... oopz i realised my posts for the past yr (up till now) have all been quite, no, very, sad. ohwell, life isnt ALL THAT BAD. still some stuff to smile abt la =) juz tt i'm more prone to rant on my blog than to blog when i'm happy? cos there's not much stuff i can do to rant... =S
anyway, today was physical hell. realli. i was literally crawling up the 6 storeys cos of my 12km jog + sets yesterday, and i heard today is napfa trial. i was like 0.0 + =O and ARGHH!!!!
the whole 2.4 i was nearly cramping, managing to juz scrape a 11min28sec. and after tt standing broad? when i was like bending down tt time during the swing pre-take-off, my thighs were screaming and burning. i onli managed a 216cm, which is below 220cm requirement. shat. i have to go for extra-training. tmd.
and then comes the hike recce. actl all was quite well. mrt bus all e way. until we reached a certain area. NO path, HUGE trucks rumbling at 70km/h, overgrown grass covering potholes, nothing but the BBC satellites in view... wth. longkuan and i looked like either a) some illegal immigrants or b) lonely planet travellers. we made MAJOR changes to HALF the hike. i think its slightly longer than b4, but wth. have fun.
aching aching! haha! go do my phy and econs liao bye!
he left a mark
Sunday, January 28, 2007
@ 7:40 PM

btw, anyone wants to buy this bag? my fren's willing to sell at $55. brand-new. unused. cost price is $59. interested buyers tell me!
he left a mark
@ 7:10 PM
i got rejected from street dance. cos i need to go for 3rd lang. now i'm feeling very precarious... all i've got is BB... and like i've mentioned 2 posts ago... or is it the previous? or 3? wtv, that my involvement in BB is being restricted... it makes me feel all the more scared... i think i'm gonna join RECAS. i mean... i dunno...
on the other hand, i ran 12km today. =) followed by sets. after like carbo and protein loading for 2 days. (not that i wanted. i juz cant resist the aroma of food... =S) WHEE i felt so good!
and i met ms aquamarine again. last time due to my shin pain i couldnt run fast. today i could. whee! well, my shin pain did come, so i actl took 2km warm up... and 1.5km slow jog... but who cares... =D
sigh... RJC life isnt realli going as i expected it to be... =(
he left a mark
Thursday, January 25, 2007
@ 12:30 AM
crap la, sry i wanna angst a lil now so i wun bother to type in french. esp since its like 12.31am now and blogging in french would make me more frustrated...
the last thing u wanna do when u come home at 8+pm on a long tiring crappy day and get suaned at by ur parents. they freaking dont support me, dont trust me and all!
when i use the comp they think i'm wat, listening to mr brown, SURFING PORN LIKE WTH, and using msn means i'm talking cock? wth man!
and then wat, I WAS ON THE FONE DOING AQ STUFF WITH LONGKUAN FOR 2.5hours and they think i'm chatting with a GIRL FOR FUN?! "why u always say u no time to do hw?"
GIMME A LIFE!!!! do i have to spend 100% of my time studying?! AM I NOT ALREADY PUTTING IN MY 2000% EFFORT AS ALL MY FRENS CAN WITNESS?! DO I HAVE TO STLIL COME HOME AND GET THIS SORT OF TREATMENT?! dammit man dammit!!!
and then i go to school. CCA. my official CCA is BB. yet i'm being subtly forced to retreat and wat not cos if nt all my batchmates all wun come to contribute to BB?
in the first place they all are.
secondly no one minds me doing it cos i'm free and its my responsibiltiy cos its my cca
thirdly i wanna give back and impact the guys and my frens as much as i've been impacted.
now which part of this says "u shd do less" and that "u want recognition?"
i'm not at breaking point. YET. wth its week 4 onli. i have how many more days, weeks, months, maybe 2 yrs...
he left a mark
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Je devrai écrire en Français @ 9:57 PM
> . CLICK ON <>
Bonjour tout le monde. Je trouve qu'il soit mieux que j'écris en Français en espérant que j'améliore mon Français. à tout mes amis, je peux seulement dire "pardon" si vous ne comprenez pas ce qui je dis. J'utiliserai parfois l'anglais et parfois le français. Si je veux reussir, je dois travailler très dur!
Aujourd'hui, c'était un jour mal. Premierement, je n'ai pas su comment faire les questions de mathematique. Je suis passé 30minutes sur UN question. Et il n y avait personne pour consulter parce que j'étais seul. Quelle chance... J'étais très frustré. Plus, la sentir de fatigue a déjà surmonté moi. La resultat était catastrophique. J'ai commencé de sentir triste, colère contre moi-même, inutile et inquieté de mes études...
Depuis que j'ai éntré dans RJC, et c'est juste le QUARTIEME semaine, j'ai étdudié beaucoup et très dur relativement à l'année dernière. Mais je trouve que quand je travaille plus, je semble de comprendre moins, et je sens plus stupide. C'est irritant, ça! =(
Zoe m'a appellé pour demander de lui aider acheter un gaufle. J'ai attendu pour 10minutes dehors mon salle de classe car son prof les a libéré très tard pour leurs repos. Quand j'ai éntré la salle, la premiere chose que j'ai vu était mon note pour la test diagnostique. Et j'ai été choqué. 10.5 SUR 50?! QUOI?! j'ai été presque pleine des larmes... La colère couvait dans moi... alors que je sourais, je crié dans ma coeur...
Un autre mardi/jeudi. Un autre jour dansquel je sorti le MOELC, vois la ciel bleu-foncé, et penser. pense de mon vie, pense de les étudies, pense à tout que les autres étudiants font quand j'étudie... sigh...
he left a mark
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
@ 9:27 PM
haha okok i shall blog abt my sch life so far.
i must say i'm pretty sad.
my class guys are 90% scouts, and the class mostly takes PME History, while i'm the ONLY guy to take french. so most of e time i'm like... alone. tho we do talk and all but i dun realli feel like i belong. some of them quite cold too... well not cold, but nt as warm as i hope they'd be...
i spend my free periods alone mugging or stoning while they take history. my meals are taken alone. when they go home together i tread alone to 3rd lang. then in 3rd lang centre the RJC ppl are together in one class (in rjc) while the rest seem to know each other. alone AGAIN. luckily still got su jun and on first sight they're quite friendly. phew....
no one can tell how HAPPY i was when longkuan said he saw me and came over to join me for muggin in e afternn... i nearly broke into tears...
truthfully, i dun feel as tho i've been so hardworking/mugger these past 4 yrs. my engine's already revved up and i'm like mugging everyday. now's only 3rd week? and it feels so stress le =S
lectures tutorials quite cool la, tho i dun like the idea of lectures tt much cos when lecturers make mistake or when u in doubt, difficult to ask la... sian... but can do a lot of stuff in lectures, like sms and all HAHA
econs is my fav sub as of yet, cos its so interactive and the teachers rox! math and phy still not bad la hor not bad xD ohwell...
i shall see how things go...
he left a mark
Thursday, January 11, 2007
@ 7:49 PM
My life is brilliant... (my arse)
What, was I too early? (yes definately)
Oh, sorry. Should I...Do you wanna start over? (i've been thru this 10^10^10^10 times over)
Or, keep going? (go where? i aint even seen the startin line)
Okay, now? (now wat?)
Now? (stfu)
My life is brilliant (=.=)
Your life's a joke (nope its not. unless ur life's a mirror of mine)
You're just pathetic (read above)
You're always broke (realli?)
Your homemade Star Trek uniform really ain't impressin' me (my uniform's white. and blue)
You're sufferin' from delusions of Adequicy (nah, i'm feelin pathet)
You're Pitiful (X3) (ARGH)
It's true (JE SAIS!)
Never had a date ( yea i know... dun rub it in)
That ya couldn't inflate (whee)
And ya smell repulsive too (nah)
What a bummer bein' you (i know...)
Guess you'll never grow a clue (i do)
When it just sucks to be you (totally.)
he left a mark
@ 7:25 PM
lectures are damn funny (note i din say interesting). juz plain funny. and i'm kinda like making quite some frens. thing is they're not fr my class. wth =.=
shit man graphic calculator $174. free alarm clock. they know us man. need the clock to make us stay awake rite? calculators are getting bigger and bigger. damn smart.
i realised that blogs are no longer a good way of expressing myself. cos there're so many things i wanna let out on, but juz cant. its private yet public. sigh...
he left a mark
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
@ 7:29 PM
okok here comes my LONG-AWAITED post!!! oh ya, HAPPY NEW YEAR! oopz a bit late =S
ahhh orientation has been really fun! went to orientation with a bit of idea of how it was gonna be like, but the final feeling was realli different!
our OG was very very stone at the start... Royce and I kinda like, juz got hyped up ourselves? i came up with a cheer and Royce helpedwith hand actions and a Jap word!
KAWAII! =D (with a finger to the face)
apparantly a lot of Nanyang Pri sch ppl in my OG... so i was in a sense a bit left out sometimes... till now i cant click well with some of them.
RJC is very fun! a lot of fresh ideas for games la. Like dog and bone but u gotta blow e tt ball toward ur grp. we looked like dogs la, but very fun!
House spirit was very good! (i heard it onli happens during orientation... shrugs?)
the theme of the orientation was cluedo, quite cool la! tt nite we had OG dinner, royce and i acted as "tour guides" for bishan. and after OG dinner play truth or dare... wah sei everyone truth dio qtns on love life, so i decided to use "dare". den dio kena need to go ask a girl for name and fone number... =S my frens took foto, but nopez i'm not gonna post it LOL
2nd day ah... er... more games? the start was very stone la, i was like "eh wat happened" but later became better! tt nite we sat at e bubble tea shop area discussing O Nite stuff. our plan was damn funny and stupid la. i was supposed to be a geisha with "sexy, hairy legs" xD and kinda stuff! ohwell
3rd day. even more games? i cant remember.... played SO MANY games! oh ya, got to know my class... din like it at first. like very stone and all... eekz =S then we played Jackie Wu's shi zi lu kou! and wat the heck dio Ghim Moh area! wah i was seriously damn stressed la, everyone expecting me to lead the group to victory. or at least tt's wat i tot. then lorraine royce they all keep asking me chill out... haha... they decided to take 165 so we got off at holland v and when we reached ghim moh e other HH grp still at Raffles City. haha! the tasks damn fun la, wat cheer the cheer backwards, then form food fr water to super rings. rojak was our first food.
den we were like, kuay lapis? then kuay lapis $3.50, i was like "eh wat abt teh ais? or kaya toas?" xD
then go Holland V, sing the alphabet song using "potato" nia. now we're addicted to e song! then wah lau drink super rings in newater. YUX. wah lau...
last station was a bit hard. more challening. we wanted like "kinder bueno egg shell" or sth outta desperation haha! then eat lettuce with some DISGUSTING PASTE. made of wasabi, ginger and herbs, pea paste and wat the heck.... it was more like fear factor la! carol (my OGL) was laughing at us until she was told she herself had to eat. HAHA. jokes. =S
then we took a foto at this mega palm thing. i suggested like everyone sit and cover all e fingers except the middle =D
tt nite i was too tired liao... din join them for dinner. but still onli made it home at 9+. damn funny!
monday, last day. war games was quite xiong, but innovative ideas! team work rox! hui ru, my dance partner, and og mate, very nice to work with. we totally PWNZ when it comes to 3-legged race la. =D
then O nite... wah lau the costume, i looked damn... out. like trash bag, half naked, ropes and all... sigh... i was feeling quite down. thnx sheila! accompany me over sms. i'm stilll not used to "new ideas" kinda thing. or out of e box. or wtv.
anyway, in e end costume like a small aprt onli. O nite stuff was damn funny la... and the prospect of going to study le made us bond even closer and dread sch... =S
today was lke first day of sch? math lecture was... damn boring at first but slowly became funny! ohwell got tutorial and lecture notes le, shall do work later.
crashed history lesson. the teahcer was quite funky leh, made me think twice abt french over history... but i think i'll take french. =)
had break, go study with pris and her fren, er... wei xian issit? and linky came along. and studying math has nvr been so fun! i like haha!
and i made the discovery of the century. i shd hv been awarded the nobel prize for math and peace, had zoe not told me someone discovered it b4 me...
i am smaller than 3 yous. (put it in a linear equation)
i <3 u
tt's how great love is. and tt's how practical mathematicians are...
anyway had econs. Mr Simon Quek looked damn stressed la. "hey can u dun talk please, i cant concentrate" and all... but econs became light-hearted too! the econs teachers mostly look damn funky... i like... xD
and yea tt's all from me now!
have fun! =)
he left a mark